Main Page
From EG1004 Lab Manual
Welcome to the EG1004 online student manual website. This site contains all the academic material you will need for the course. For administrative matters such as lab report submission, please visit the EG1004 website.
For information on the Elementary General Engineering & Design program for high schoolers, visit their landing page.
Course Information
Policies and Procedures
Laboratory Experiments
- Lab 3: Model Shop Session 1
- Lab 5: Model Shop Session 2
- Lab 8
- Lab 8 — Model Shop Session 3
- Lab 11: Model Shop Session 4
- Lab 12: Model Shop Session 5
PowerPoint Presentations
- Lab 1
- Lab 2
- Lab 3
- Lab 4
- Lab 5
- Lab 5 — Model Shop Session 2
- Lab 6
- Lab 7
- Lab 8
- Lab 8 — Model Shop Session 3
- Lab 9
- Lab 10
- Lab 11
- Lab 11 — Model Shop Session 4
- Lab 12
- Lab 11 — Model Shop Session 5
Semester-Long Design Project
Project Information
Please read the RFP for your project carefully. Any deviation from these specifications must be approved by your recitation professor.
- Introduction to the Semester-Long Design Projects (SLDPs)(pdf)
- Rapid Assembly & Design Challenge
- Housing & Innovation in Revit
Project Requirements
Help & How-Tos
General SLDP
- Teamwork Agreement
- Microsoft Project Student Guide
- Planning Project Scheduling & Costs
- How to Show Cost Data in Presentations
- RAD Purchasing Documents
Prototyping Resources
- 3D Printing and Logo Guide
- Bambu Studio Guide
- Prototyping Guide
- Virtual Circuit Simulation Guide
- Arduino Coding Guide
- Sensors Guide
VEX Resources
Recitation Resources
Engineering Faculty Presentations
- Recitation 1: Emerging Global Topics(pdf)
- Recitation 2: The Engineering Design Process(pdf)
- Recitation 3: Scientific Writing(pdf)
- Recitation 4: Teamwork and Project Management(pdf)
- Recitation 5: Undergraduate Opportunities & Graduate School(pdf)
- Recitation 6: Career Advice & Elevator Pitch(pdf)
- Recitation 7: Ethics & Stakeholder Impact(pdf)
- Recitation 8: Entrepreneurship at NYU(pdf)
- Recitation 9: Engineering & Social Justice(pdf)
- Recitation 10: Research Posters(pdf)
- Recitation 11: AI/ML & The Future of Engineering(pdf)
- Recitation 12: Semester in Review(pdf)
Student Presentation Resources
Writing Professor Presentations
- Recitation 1: Technical Writing Values(pdf)
- Recitation 2: Writing Lab Reports(pdf)
- Recitation 3: Introduction to the Final Design Report(pdf)
- Recitation 4: Team Writing(pdf)
- Recitation 5: Career Development (pdf)
- Recitation 6: Launching Your Job Search (pdf)
- Recitation 7: After You Graduate (pdf)
- Recitation 9: Technical Writing & Social Justice(pdf)
- Recitation 12: Final Milestone Writing Assignment(pdf)
Student Writing Resources
- Writing Style Guide
- Creating Equations, Tables, and Graphs
- WP Lab Report Rubric
- WP RAD & VEX FDR Rubric
- WP HIR FDR (LEED Accreditation Report) Rubric
- Sample Lab Report
- NYU Resume Guide & Samples
- Sample Cover Letter
Archived Pages
Pages kept for historical purposes can be found in The Archive.
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