How to Use the Course Websites

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There are two main websites: the lab manual (this site, and the course website (

The Lab Manual

The EG lab manual ( is the textbook for EG-UY 1004. Refer to this page whenever for information regarding the syllabus, grading policies, labs and projects, and content delivered during recitation.

The lab manual is managed by EG faculty and the program's Communication Committee; for any questions or concerns, please submit an inquiry via this feedback form.

The Course Website

The course website ( is the program’s student platform for course communication throughout the semester. All coursewide announcements and assignment submissions are made through the course website.

The EG website is managed by EG faculty and the program's Web Development committee; for any questions or concerns, such as to report a bug, please submit an inquiry via this form.

Access to the course website requires registration. Registration is completed during the first lab session of the semester.


  1. Go to
  2. Click on Register, found under the Login button.
  3. Some information will be pre-filled. Fill in the required information.
  4. Click Register.
  5. Your recitation instructor or a TA will approve your registration.

Logging In

  1. Go to You must have registered for an account beforehand. If you registered for an account during a previous semester, that account was probably deleted; please register for a new account.
  2. Click Log In and use your NYU Credentials to log in.

When you are finished using the website, log out of the website by simply clicking on your name in the top right, and clicking on Logout.

Submitting Files

All course assignments must be submitted to the course website. To submit an assignment, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the course website ( Upon logging in, the website will display a window similar to the one shown below (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Website Main Page.

2. Find and click on the “Submit” link located under “Submission” in the navigation panel on the left side of the page. The submission page will appear as shown (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Submit Page.

A ✘ indicates that an item is required but has yet to be submitted.

3. Under “Submit Work”, select the folder and then the file for submission. The website will only accept one file at a time. For example, Figure 3 shows a user submitting their lab report for Lab 1.

The following file types are supported for assignments:

  • .docx refers to an Microsoft Word document
  • .pptx refers to a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
  • .xlsx refers to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
  • .zip refers to a compressed file that contains other files (images, for example)

The details of each assignment will be shared during class each week.

Figure 3. Submit Work Box.

For example, Figure 3 shows a user submitting their lab report for Lab #1.

If a file was already submitted for that assignment, an overwrite warning will appear to confirm the submission (Figure 4). Note that overwriting the submission will delete the previous submission.

Figure 4. Overwrite Warning.

If the file was successfully uploaded, a confirmation box will appear at the top of the page (Figure 5). Please note that files are renamed when submitted.

Figure 5. Upload Success Message.

For team-authored documents, such as Final Design Reports (FDR) that are part of the SLDPs and team lab reports, submissions will be linked to their teams. For these submissions, successful submissions should show a successful submission for every team member; if it does not, contact your recitation professor. Note that when more than one student submits in the group for that lab, the latest submission is accepted, and the previous submission is overwritten.

The submission page table will reflect an on time submission with a checkmark ✔(Figure 6). A 1 indicates that an item was submitted one day late. A red 2 indicates that a submission is two days late, and a red 2+ indicates that the submission was made more than two days late.

Figure 6. Submission Table.