Supermarket Logistics System (SLS)
Request for Proposal: Supermarket Logistics System (SLS)
Introduction and Overview
Downtown Brooklyn is experiencing a renaissance. NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering spearheaded the first leg of this resurgence over 20 years ago when it proposed an urban renewal project designed to develop a Metropolitan Technology Center in Brooklyn.
Now known as Metrotech, the area has been transformed. It features new construction that houses Keyspan Energy, Chase Manhattan Bank, Bear Sterns, Empire Blue Cross / Blue Shield, and other corporate heavyweights. The city has recognized Metrotech's success and intends to expand on it.
Since 9/11, Manhattan-based companies have had to add back office space outside of that Borough in order to prevent the catastrophic effects another terrorist attack could have on their businesses. The City, driven by the desire to keep these companies in New York, is planning a massive Downtown rezoning and redevelopment plan for Brooklyn. The plan would allow for the construction of 6.7 million square feet of office space, 1 million square feet of retail development, 1,000 housing units and 2,500 parking spaces.
Retail giants like Target, which just opened a store in the new Atlantic Terminal Mall on the corner of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues, and Ikea, whose plan for a location in Red Hook has just been approved by the City Planning Commission, are moving to the area. There is even a proposal by the owner of the New Jersey Nets, Bruce Ratner, to move the team to a proposed site in Downtown Brooklyn called The Atlantic Yards.
But despite all this activity, there is still a shortage of supermarkets in the area. Operating on the theory that all these people must eat, Whole Foods, the Austin, Texas based natural and organic food seller, is building a 52,000 square foot store south of Park Slope. However, this site is still some distance from Downtown Brooklyn.
Our company, Poly Foods, Inc., is launching a design competition for our new location on Jay Street. Right in the heart of Metrotech, this site had enormous potential. The right design concept will guarantee success.
Your plan must be innovative. The winning proposal will be the one that incorporates a bold scheme for the space that combines solid engineering with a broad vision of the future of food retailing. The architectural ideas embodied in your plans must be discussed fully. Your proposal should include information on your company and its lead developers with at least one reference to a previous commission.
Please refer to the specifications that follow as you prepare your submission.
A major Supermarket chain has commissioned your firm to design a store for their recently purchased 400'X400' lot. It is bounded by Jay and Tillary Streets. Your clients have asked you to include a parking lot and a loading dock. The overall lot must hold both the supermarket and its parking lot. The parking lot can be "at grade", or above or beneath the supermarket.
Your supermarket must be only one story tall.
The EG1004 staff will supply foam board. Any other materials you may want to use will have to be purchased by you at your own expense. There will be no reimbursement for these materials.
Extra Credit
Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) is a green building certification program. To receive LEED certification, building projects satisfy prerequisites and earn points to achieve different levels of certification. Teams choose the best fit for their project. The different categories for the LEED checklist[1] correspond to principles of design, construction, and maintenance. For the purposes of this project, the checklist has been streamlined. All prerequisites from a category must be incorporated into the supermarket design to count toward certification. LEED Silver certification requires completion of at least two categories; LEED Gold, at least four categories, and LEED Platinum, all six categories. Achievement of each prerequisite will be accomplished through drawings, cost estimates, and explanations of the design.
Streamlined checklist:
- Location and Transportation
- Diverse land use (p.16[1]) – Design provides space for goods and services not directly related to the grocery store. (Examples: food truck court, deli, bank, post office)
- Disability access – Detailed features are provided for Americans with Disability Act. (Examples: reserved parking, wheelchair accessible ramps)
- Bicycle and EV facilities (p.22[1]) – Bike racks and electric vehicle charging stations labeled in drawings.
- Reduced parking footprint (p.26[1]) – Realistic dimensions for parking spaces with minimal allocated space for parking lot.
- Sustainable Sites
- Open space (p.36[1]) – Inclusion of green space on the supermarket grounds. (Examples: gardens, park space, rooftop vegetation, pond)
- Rainwater management (p.37[1]) – Reducing storm water runoff and built land impact on hydrologic cycle. (Examples: rainwater retention pond, rainwater storage, rainwater reuse)
- Heat island reduction (p.39[1]) – Minimizing paved and rooftop surfaces. (Examples: vegetative surfaces, trees, shade from energy generation systems)
- Light pollution reduction (p.41[1]) – Detailed placement of outdoor lighting fixtures, maximizing security and minimizing light pollution.
- Water Efficiency
- Water quality management – Real-time quality monitoring system, shutoff VI for cases of contamination.
- Water use reduction (p.51[1]) – Use of low flow appliances and minimal irrigation, details for all water uses. (Example: sprinklers, sinks, toilets)
- Water heating and cooling (p.60[1]) – Intelligent placement of high efficiency systems.
- Advanced water metering – Real-time quantity monitoring system of all water use. (Examples: irrigation, indoor plumbing, reclaimed water, boiler usage)
- Energy and Atmosphere
- Optimize energy performance (p.74[1]) – Use of low energy systems. (Examples: HVAC, lighting, refrigeration, appliances)
- Advanced energy metering (p.77[1]) – All electrical use run through a single meter.
- Demand response (p.79[1]) – LabVIEW VI similar to automatic heat control, energy use changes throughout the day.
- Renewable energy production (p.80[1]) – Location and connection to electrical system. (Examples: solar, wind, thermal)
- Indoor Environmental Quality
- Air quality management (p.107[1]) – Ventilation and monitoring of air. (Examples: carbon monoxide detectors, exhaust vents, air filtration system)
- Interior lighting/daylight (p.129[1]) – Enhanced interior lighting. (Examples: dimmers, daylight, window shades)
- Thermal comfort (p.127[1]) – Enhanced temperature control for individual comfort. (Examples: localized heating and cooling, circulating fans, radiant flooring)
- Acoustic performance (p.136[1]) – Sound absorbent surfaces are greater than the ceiling area. (Examples: acoustic tiles, acoustic wall panels)
- Innovation (p.140[1])
- Connected building – Design a VI for internet connectivity and connected devices. (Examples: Wi-Fi router, networked registers, inventory systems)
- Intelligent inventory – Real-time monitoring of inventory. (Examples: shelves with sensors, database connected to registers, exit door scanners)
- Security and safety – Enhanced security VIs. (Examples: automatic police contact, automatic fire contact, notifications)
- Sustainability – Focus on innovative green technologies not included in other categories.
Site Visits
The first step is to make a number of site visits. Start by visiting the new Target at the Atlantic Terminal Market at 139 Flatbush Avenue. Their store hours are M-Sat 8-10 and Sun 8-9. Make note of the store's layout and the features that have been incorporated that allow a downtown store to use space efficiently. Next, visit a typical supermarket that is about 40,000 square feet. The Whole Foods in the Chelsea section of Manhattan is a good choice, but you may visit any one you like. On your visit, create a parts list of typical store fixtures like shelves, freezers, refrigerators, lighting fixtures, registers, display cases, shopping carts, restocking carts and so on. Write down the brand names of the fixtures you see to aid your research later. Determine the average checkout time per shopper at three different times of the day, 9AM on a weekday, 12PM on a Sunday, and 6PM on a weekday. Using the same three data points, calculate their average waiting time and how many shoppers enter the store per hour for each of the three hours. Tabulate this data neatly in a table, graph, or chart that presents the information clearly.
Power/AC/Heat Calculations
Using the information you gathered on your site visit, calculate the total power requirement for the store. Then calculate the energy costs for a typical year. Determine the total A/C requirement. What is the dollar cost per year for air conditioning? Determine the total heat requirement. What is the dollar cost per year for heat? Tabulate this data neatly in a table, graph, or chart that presents the information clearly.
Design your Supermarket using AutoCAD as your primary design tool. Create a convenient layout, with aisles (at least wide enough for 2 shopping carts to pass), shelves, registers, deli counter, for all items, on the master list provided, of store items from the Port Washington King Kullen.
Your team will create a 3D computer-simulated model.
A LabVIEW program that will control the lighting, temperature, and security systems for your Supermarket must be created. Please refer to the course syllabus for all due dates.
Use LabVIEW to design a lighting system and a heating/cooling system for your Supermarket. Both systems must be included in the same LabVIEW VI.
Your design must include plumbing. The municipal water and sewer lines enter the Supermarket from the street. Your plumbing design must include piping for spray nozzles in the produce area, sinks in the deli area,sewage, hot water, and cold water.
For your security system VI, you may want to take the following into consideration:
- Fire Alarm
- Video Surveillance
- Manual/Automatic Alarm System
Be creative and make sure to label the security system appropriately in your VI implementation.
Microsoft Project
A project schedule must be created in Microsoft Project. Learn to use Microsoft Project by accessing the Microsoft Project Student Guide. This schedule must include all tasks related to the project from the start of the project to Early or Final submission. Click here to access the guide on how to transfer a file. The Microsoft Project schedule should include:
- Minimum of 20 tasks, excluding Milestones
- Milestones should be clearly indicated on the project plan (duration of zero days)
- Each task must include the person responsible for completing the task (resource names)
- In milestone presentations, please present a “Project Status” slide, which should summarize key deadlines. You are not required to show your project schedule in these presentations
For help planning the project, review the manual page Planning Project Scheduling & Costs.
The following paragraphs discuss the drawings required for the project, and AutoCAD. If you have access to another drawing system capable of producing 3D drawings, you may use that instead if you wish. However, EG1004 will only provide access to AutoCAD, and AutoCAD is the preferred solution.
A command of AutoCAD is necessary for you to complete the drawings required for this project. Refer to the AutoCAD handout for more information. The main layer of your AutoCAD drawings will be the floor plan. The dimensioning, electrical, and plumbing drawings must be added as separate layers. Print your drawings separately using a scale of 1:240 (1" = 20'). You may use the symbols preloaded in AutoCAD to draw fixtures, appliances, windows, and doors. You will have to create some of the symbols required for your drawings. Make sure you include a title block.
Use AutoCAD to draw a floor plan of your design, labeling all the fixtures and design elements you have included.
Use AutoCAD to prepare two elevation drawings of your design. Your first drawing is the front elevation. It must be fully dimensioned and include:
- All door and window openings.
- Your choice of façade material, e.g., aluminum siding, brick, or stucco.
Your second drawing is the most detailed side or back elevation. It must be fully dimensioned and include:
- All door and window openings.
- Your choice of façade material e.g. aluminum siding, brick, or stucco.
Use AutoCAD to prepare a dimensioned drawing of your design. Your drawing must include:
- Detailed dimensions of your floor plan.
- You must be able to construct the store from this drawing. To preserve clarity, dimensions should be located outside the store when possible. Dimensions may not overlap.
Use AutoCAD to prepare an electrical drawing of your design. Your drawing must include:
- All items in the electrical system in this drawing.
- Outlets, switches, light fixtures, and wiring.
- A legend.
Use AutoCAD to prepare a plumbing drawing of your design. Your drawing must include:
- Spray nozzles in the produce area and sinks in the deli area.
- Sewage pipes (must be solid and be drawn with continuous line type).
- Cold water pipes (must be blue and be drawn with hidden line type).
- Hot water pipes (must be red and drawn with center line type).
- A legend.
Use AutoCAD to prepare an overall drawing of the site, showing the outline of the supermarket and the parking lot. If the parking lot is above or below ground, include a floor plan of the garage.
First Cost Estimate
After the design is complete, a cost estimate must be generated that calculates the cost of all the items specified on your parts list that will be incorporated into your design. Do not include construction costs. Conduct your research on the internet. The brand names you collected on your site visit will help. Tabulate the information clearly in an Excel spreadsheet.
Have all the materials and parts used categorized in different groups instead of including individual parts. Make sure to include the units of each part used in a group and total them up for that individual group. Moreover, the cost of labor should be included. You can get help on the labor cost by reading the page How to plan the schedule and calculate costs for a project.
Milestones, Benchmarks, and Deliverables
As work is done on the project, three Milestone presentations will report on the project's progress. All of the items assigned in each phase of the project are called Benchmark deliverables. These deliverables often consist of a combination of written submissions, presentations, and demonstrations. Benchmark assessments evaluate the progress of the project.
Preliminary Design Investigation
The Preliminary Design Investigation (PDI) is extremely important, as it lays the groundwork for the project. It outlines the project idea, inspiration, and goals.
The PDI must include:
- Cover Page
- Project Overview
- Goals & Objectives
- Design & Approach
- Cost Estimate
- Project Schedule
- Relevant Pictures
An example PDI template can be found here. The PDI is due by Benchmark A. Do not forget to include the items listed above. Use this link to access the VEX PDI Rubric.
Milestone 1
Prepare a preliminary sketch of your design, a cost estimate, and an MS Project plan.
Look Ahead: What tasks do you plan between now and Milestone 2?
See How To Give a Milestone Presentation for the format of a Milestone presentation.
Milestone 1 Deliverables:
- Presentation:
- Project description
- Design approach
- Mission statement
- Preliminary layout of store
- Cost estimate
- MS Project schedule
- Progress update: current state of the project
Benchmark Assessment A
Benchmarks evaluate the progress of the project. Benchmark A is due at the end of Model Shop Session II. There are penalties for not completing this on time. Refer to the EG1004 Grading Policy for more information.
To pass Benchmark A, the design must complete all of the following:
- Lighting System VI with at least 8 lights individually controlled and collectively by a master switch
- When master switch is off, all lights off
- AutoCAD drawings (1:240 scale):
- Floor plan
- Front elevation
- Most detailed side elevation
Milestone 2
Using AutoCAD, prepare a floor plan and elevation drawings (be sure to include a title box). Complete your latest LabVIEW program and your latest MS Project plan. Then, calculate an initial cost estimate.
Look Ahead: What tasks do you plan between now and Milestone 3?
See How To Give a Milestone Presentation for the format of a Milestone presentation.
Milestone 2 Deliverables:
- Presentation:
- Project description
- Design approach
- Design changes since Milestone 1
- Mission statement
- AutoCAD drawings:
- Dimensions must be included
- 1:240 scale
- Floor plan
- Front elevation
- Most detailed side elevation
- LabVIEW VI: lighting system
- Screenshot of the VI while running with the master switch ON
- Screenshot of the VI while running with the master switch OFF
- Include both the front and back panels
- Cost estimate (previous and current). What changes were made?
- MS Project schedule (previous and current). What changes were made?
- Progress update: current state of the project (time, budget, etc.)
Benchmark Assessment B
Benchmark Assessment B is due at the end of Model Shop Session III. There are penalties for not completing this on time. Refer to the EG1004 Grading Policy for more information.
To pass, complete all of the following tasks:
- Lighting System VI
- Heating and Cooling System VI
- AutoCAD drawings (1:240 scale):
- Floor plan
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Front elevation
- Most detailed side
Milestone 3
Using AutoCAD, prepare plumbing and electrical drawings. Complete your latest LabVIEW program and your latest MS Project plan, reflecting any schedule changes. Calculate a revised cost estimate. If your design is successful, your client would like to expand to 100 locations nationwide. Discuss how this would affect the cost of building each store.
Look Ahead: What tasks do you plan between now and the completion of the project?
See How To Give a Milestone Presentation for the format of a Milestone presentation.
Milestone 3 Deliverables:
- Presentation:
- Project description
- Design approach
- Design changes since Milestone 2
- Mission statement
- AutoCAD drawings:
- Dimensions must be included
- 1:240 scale
- Floor plan
- Front elevation
- Most detailed side elevation
- Plumbing drawing
- Electrical drawing
- LabVIEW VIs: lighting system and heating/cooling system
- Include both the front and back panels
- Screenshot of the VI while running with the master switch ON
- Screenshot of the VI while running with the master switch OFF
- Cost estimate (previous and current). What changes were made?
- MS Project schedule (previous and current). What changes were made?
- Progress update: current state of the project (time, budget, etc.)
Projects must be commissioned before Submission. Refer to the syllabus for Submission deadlines. There are penalties for not completing this on time. Refer to the EG1004 Grading Policy for more information.
To pass, the design must complete all of the following:
- Lighting System
- Heating and Cooling System
- Security System
- AutoCAD drawings (1:240 scale):
- Floor plan
- Plumbing system
- Electrical system
- Front elevation
- Most detailed side
- Model of Building and Parking Lot (3-D AutoCAD or Revit) (1:240 scale)
Final Presentation
The Final Presentation will be a technical briefing, similar to the Milestones, but also serves as a sales presentation explaining why your company should be selected instead of the competition.
Your Final Presentation must include:
- Company profile
- Company name
- Employee profile, role(s), and qualifications
- Mission statement
- Problem statement
- Why is the project happening?
- What does the audience need to know?
- Project objective
- What is the purpose of your project?
- Who does your project help?
- What problem does your project solve?
- Project description
- Specify LEED certification
- Examples of LEED implementations in Revit
- Revit drawings
- All floor plan drawings
- Dimensions
- 1:240 scale
- Views of exterior of building: front elevation, side elevation, isometric elevation
- Dimensions
- Specify LEED certification
- Market and product viability
- Does your company have competitors?
- What makes your project unique?
- How does your design compare to competitors - cost, quality, features?
- Is the project versatile?
- What is the price of your project?
- Conclusion
- Reiterating project purpose
- Highlight project features
- Future goals of the company
- Why should your company be awarded this contract?
- Video pitch
- Price of project
- Walkthrough animation of building in Revit
- Embedded into Final Presentation
- Problem statement
- Solution overview
- Company description and qualifications
- Drawings
- Cost estimate
- Microsoft Project schedule
- Model demonstration
- Why should the company be awarded this contract?
All SLDPs must be submitted online. Please visit this page for the link to the Project Submission form and each project’s individualized login information. To submit, login to the EG1004 website using this special login information. Submitting with an NYU account or any other account will generate an error. Components may be resubmitted at any time before the deadline. Please note that submission times are based on the most recent submission.
Please note the deliverables for this project are as follows. If any of the following items are omitted, there will be a penalty. Be sure to click "Submit" at the bottom of the form and allow sufficient time for uploading. The following list includes deliverable items that are required:
- Submission deliverables:
- Final presentation
- Cover page and table of contents
- Final LabVIEW VIs
- Initial sketch
- All the drawings of your design (initial through final)
- Model
- Final MS Project Schedule
- Final cost estimate
- Chart with power, air conditioning, and heat tabulations
- Resume(s) (No fictitious resumes will be accepted.)
Late Submission
Late submission is not allowed. If a project does not Commission or receive Partial Commission by the deadline set forth in the syllabus, the project will not be allowed to submit and will receive a 0 for the project grade. To receive Partial Commissioning, two TAs must evaluate the project and determine its degree of completion according to the Commissioning requirements and the project will be given a grade accordingly. Please refer to the EG1004 Grading Policy for more information.
Appendix: King Kullen(Port Washington) Supermarket List
This is a list of typical items sold in a supermarket and is for layout purposes only. It is not to be used for costing purposes.
- Aluminum Foil
- Baby Food
- Bakery
- Bakeware & Baking Soda
- Barbecue Sauce
- Bathroom Tissue
- Beans, Dried
- Beverages
- Bleach
- Bread Crumbs
- Brooms
- Cake Mixes
- Candy
- Cat Food
- Cereal, Hot & Cold
- Chocolate, Baking
- Chocolate, Syrup
- Cleansers
- Cocktail Mixes
- Cocoa
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Cookies/Crackers
- Dairy
- Deli
- Desserts
- Detergents
- Diapers
- Diet Foods
- Dishwashing Aids
- Dog Food, Canned & Bagged
- Drinks, Powdered
- Extracts
- Facial Tissues
- Feminine Products
- Fish, Canned
- Flour
- Frozen Foods
- Fruit, Canned or Dried
- Gelatin
- Granola
- Gravy
- Greeting Cards
- Hair Care
- Health Needs
- Honey
- Housewares
- International Foods
- Jams & Jellies
- Juices, Canned & Glass
- Ketchup
- Kosher Foods
- Light Bulbs
- Macaroni & Noodles
- Mayonnaise
- Meat, Fresh & Frozen
- Milk, Powdered
- Mops
- Mustard
- Napkins
- Nuts
- Oil
- Olives
- Pancake Mix
- Peanut Butter
- Pet Supplies
- Pickles
- Popcorn
- Potato Chips
- Produce
- Relishes
- Rice
- Salad Dressings
- Salt
- Shortening
- Soap, Bar
- Soap Pads
- Soap, Powdered
- Soda
- Soft Goods
- Soups, Canned & Dried
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Spices
- Stationery
- Sugar
- Syrup
- Tea
- Toilet Tissue
- Tomato Sauce
- Towels, Paper
- Vegetables, Canned
- Vinegar
- Water, Bottled
- Waxed Paper
- Waxes & Polishes