EG Grading Policy

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You can access your grades at any time during the semester when logged into the course website ( The gradebook is maintained by your recitation team (engineering professor, writing professor, and recitation TA).

While our team does our best to maintain up-to-date and accurate records of every student's grade, mistakes do happen! Please review your gradebook periodically and inform your recitation team of any questions or concerns you may have. To allow our team to have ample time to review grade concerns, the cutoff to report any concerns such as missing or incorrect grades is the last day of recitation for your section.

For details of our absence and lateness policies, please refer to this page this page.

Course Grade Breakdown

Table 1. EG1004 Course Grade Breakdown.
Item Breakdown
Semester Long Design Project 40%
Lab Reports (Technical Content) 15%
Lab Reports (Grammar and Style) 15%
Lab Presentations 15%
Engagement 10%
Professional Development Exercises 5%
Total 100%

Student performance in EG-UY 1004 is evaluated over the semester using the following breakdown (Table 1), on the basis of 100 points. There is neither a midterm nor a final exam for this course.

Table 2. EG1004 Course Grade Scale.
Numerical Grade Letter Grade
93% ≤ Grade A
90% ≤ Grade < 93% A-
87% ≤ Grade < 90% B+
83% ≤ Grade < 87% B
80% ≤ Grade < 83% B-
77% ≤ Grade < 80% C+
73% ≤ Grade < 77% C
70% ≤ Grade < 73% C-
67% ≤ Grade < 70% D+
60% ≤ Grade < 67% D
Grade < 60% F

There is no curve in EG-UY 1004; letter grades are assigned according to the following scheme (Table 2). A final grade of 93 or higher is an A.

All course grades, including bonuses and penalties, are shown in the EG Gradebook hosted on the course website. Questions or concerns regarding grades on any assignment (besides the FDR) should be directed to the recitation instructors throughout the semester. Note that the last opportunity to request a grade appeal or to point out missing grades on the course gradebook is during the last recitation of the semester.

Lab Quizzes

At the start of each lab session there will be a brief quiz about the session's experiment, graded on the basis of 100 points.

Lecture Attendance

Attendance will be taken at the lectures each week. As you enter the Auditorium, your student ID card will be scanned to confirm your attendance. Be sure to have it with you, and have it ready as you approach the door.

Lab Reports

All lab reports are due by 11:59:59PM the night before the next lab via submission to the EG Website. Reports will be either individual or team assignments, as listed on the schedule.

For each day a report is late, a 10-point penalty will be applied.

Makeup Work

Please refer to Absence and Lateness Policies for details regarding makeup labs. No makeup labs may be performed more than seven days after Lab 11. For each day a makeup lab report and presentation is late, a 10-point penalty will be applied.

Technical Content Lab Report Grade Breakdown

Table 3. TA Lab Report Grade Breakdown.
Section Breakdown
Abstract 5%
Introduction 20%
Experimental Procedure 15%
Data/Observations 30%
Discussion/Conclusion 30%
Total 100%

All lab reports are graded for technical content by a TA grader on a basis of 100 points. At the end of the semester, all the TA lab report grades are averaged together, excluding extra credit lab reports. The weights used for each lab report grade are broken down in Table 3..

Writing Professor Lab Report Grade Breakdown

All lab reports are graded for grammar and style by a writing professor (WP) on a basis of 100 points. The WP Lab Report Rubric is used for evaluation. At the end of the semester, all the WP lab report grades are averaged together, excluding extra credit lab reports.

Extra Credit Opportunities

Competition Lab Bonus

Some of the labs are competitions, where the first place team gets 10 bonus points. When there are four or more teams competing, the second place team gets 5 bonus points. To reward those teams who perform well, the point bonuses will be added to the lab report grades for both technical and writing grades for the corresponding teams.

If there is no report required for a competition lab, the bonuses will be divided by 10 and applied to the presentation for that lab (i.e., the first-place team will receive a presentation bonus of one point, etc.).

Students will not receive this bonus if they have plagiarized a lab report. Recitation TAs will make sure this is reflected in the gradebook after being notified of a plagiarism case.

Lab 6 Bonus: Lab 2 Rewrite

Students have the opportunity to rewrite their Lab 2 report for a better grade. The grade will be recorded as the Lab 4 report grade. The higher of the two grades will be included in the final grade calculation, and the lower one will be excluded. This is determined separately for the technical content and writing report grades.

Lab 7 Bonus

Students have the opportunity to replace their Lab 4 report grade if they score higher on their Lab 7 report. The higher grade will be included in the final grade calculation; the lower one will be excluded. This is determined separately for the technical content and writing report grades.

Recitation Presentations

All recitation presentations are due by 11:59:59PM the night before recitation via submission to the EG Website. Presentations will be graded on the basis of 100 points. At the end of the semester, all the presentation grades are averaged together.

Absences from recitation must be excused by recitation instructor; for information regarding lateness and absences, please refer to the Absence and Lateness Policies. Unexcused absences will result in a zero on the assignment.

Lab Presentations

Table 4. Lab Presentation Grade Breakdown.
Component Breakdown
Technical Content 70%
Spelling and Word Choice 5%
Slide Formatting 5%
Engagement 5%
Total 100%

Each week during class, a recitation TA and engineering faculty member will provide feedback on the presentation according to the breakdown shown in Table 4. Similar to lab reports, expectations for presentations can be found in the "Assignment" section at the end of each lab write-up.

Milestone Presentations

Table 5. Milestone Presentation Grade Breakdown.
Component Breakdown
Project Objective and Background 25%
Technical Description 30%
Cost Estimate and Project Schedule 30%
Project Assessment 15%
Total 100%

At three points throughout the semester, teams will present milestone presentations in recitation to provide updates on the semester-long design project. The weights used for each milestone presentation grade are broken down in Table 5. Specific details related to these projects can be found in the write-ups for each project.

Semester-Long Design Project Grade Breakdown

Table 6. SLDP Grade Breakdown.
Component Breakdown
Benchmarks 5.0%
Commissioning 7.5%
Design Thinking Exercises 1.5%
Model Shop Attendance & MakerSpace Training 3.0%
Milestone Presentations 7.5%
Final Presentation 7.5%
Final Design Report (Technical Content) 4.0%
Final Design Report (Grammar and Style)) 4.0%
Total 40%

The semester-long design project (SLDP) grade is based on completion of several components throughout the semester (Table 6), culminating in a final presentation and design report.

Each SLDP team must pass three checkpoints (Benchmark Assessment A, Benchmark Assessment B, and Commissioning) to complete the SLDP. Details about each checkpoint are listed below. Please note that attending Model Shop Session to complete these tasks is mandatory for all team members, unless excused. Missing Model Shop will result in a penalty of two points.

The SLDP design must pass Benchmark Assessment A by the end of Model Shop Session 2 (Lab 6). The assessment is graded out of 100 points.

  • For each day the assessment is late, the team will incur a 10-point penalty.
  • The maximum penalty a team may incur is 100 points.

The SLDP design must pass Benchmark Assessment B by the end of Model Shop Session 3 (Lab 9). The assessment is graded out of 100 points.

  • For each day the assessment is late, the team will incur a 10-point penalty.
  • The maximum penalty a team may incur is 100 points.

The SLDP must pass Commissioning by the end of Model Shop Session 4 (Lab 11). The assessment is graded out of 100 points.

  • No late commissioning is allowed. Instead, teams can partially commission their SLDP. The amount of partial credit earned depends on the number of tasks completed.

To complete the SLDP, a Final Submission package must be submitted by the last lab of the semester. Details of the package can be found on the corresponding SLDP pages for RAD and HIR.

  • Ten points extra credit is awarded to any team that submits all project deliverables early. To be considered early, the design must fully commissioned at least one week prior to the final submission date and all project deliverables must be submitted to the form supplied by EG-UY1004 at least one week prior to the final submission date. The corresponding FDR must be submitted on at least one week prior to the final submission due date. Refer to the syllabus for specific dates and times.
  • For every missing item in the submission form, a two point penalty will be applied to the entire SLDP grade.
  • For each day the submission is late, a 20-point penalty will be applied to the entire SLDP grade. In Summer semesters, every 12 hours the submission is late, a 20-point penalty will be applied to the entire SLDP grade. Failure to submit project deliverables will result in a grade of zero for the SLDP grade.

In addition to early submission, teams may earn extra credit for completing additional tasks related to their SLDP. These tasks can be found on the SLDP page. Recitation professors may also award additional extra credit of up to 10 points, known as a Faculty Award, to groups that exceed expectations over the course of the semester. Questions regarding the faculty award should be directed to the recitation professors in your section.

Semester-Long Project Bonuses and Penalties

Table 7. SLDP Bonuses List
Description Value
Early Submission of Project +10
SLDP EC Summary Varies by project
Faculty Award Varies up to +10
Table 8. SLDP Bonuses by Project
NYU-Housing & Innovation in Revit (HIR)
LEED Platinum +3
Physical Model Electrical Components +3
Rapid Assembly and Design (RAD)
Additional Deliverables up to +6
Table 9. SLDP Penalties List
Description Value
Missing Logo 0-1.5
Missing Submission Items 2 per missing item

Project Kit Loans

Project kits are loaned out to students by Model Shop Session 1. Additional items may be checked out by visiting Open Lab and requesting them.

For the RAD project, requested items that are not stocked or not in stock can be purchased using your purchasing stipend. RAD purchases need to be submitted through appropriate channels and approved by your mentor. Purchases made outside of this process may not be accepted by the course and you may not be reimbursed for any costs.

Any project kits loaned out are expected to be returned by the end of the semester. A kit return period will be announced around the week of Final Presentations. Failure to return project kits result in a grade of Incomplete (I) for the course.

Teamwork Evaluation

Throughout the semester, you will complete self-evaluations and peer evaluations of you and your teammates. Each teammate is expected to contribute to the project throughout the semester. Lack of contribution or other behavioral issues can lead to penalties on your SLDP grade at the discretion of the recitation instructors.

Grading Cutoffs

Any lab reports and presentations submitted after 11:59:59PM of the night preceding the last recitation session will not be graded.

No makeup labs may be performed more than seven days after Lab 11.