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{{SLDP: RFP|Mars Rover Robot (MRR)}}
{{SLDP: RFP|Mars Rover Robot (MRR)}}
<!--{{SLDP: Real-life Scenarios (Robots)}}-->
<!--{{SLDP: Outside Materials (VEX)}}-->
= Introduction and Overview =
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has recently received strong evidence of volcanic activity on the long-believed volcanically dormant planet, Mars. Radar measurements from the Mars Express spacecraft have detected the presence of a 20 km wide lake of liquid water located underneath a layer of ice in the Planum Australe region. Modern research about the discovery suggests that the only way to maintain water in the liquid state in the conditions present on Mars is with the presence of a magma chamber located underneath the body of liquid water. To explore the possibility of active volcanic activity on the Red Planet, NASA has issued a request for proposal for a Mars Rover Robot (MRR) that is capable of traversing the steep slopes of Olympus Mons, the second tallest mountain and largest volcano in the solar system. This rover will dig near the base of the volcano and photograph it from its peak. By studying the data obtained, NASA hopes to understand the past volcanic activity of the planet and use that data to weigh the possibility of present-day volcanic activity.
The mission has two parts that must be completed. The first part is to collect a rock sample and bring it back to the start tile for analysis. The second part of the mission involves climbing to the peak of Olympus Mons to take a picture of the surrounding environment. To complete the mission, a sensor must be used to increase the accuracy of the rover's movement.
= Specifications =
Design a robot using Fusion 360 as the primary design tool. The robot must meet the following specifications:
*Size & Material Constraints
**The robot must fit within a 15" x 15" footprint.
**The design must use the materials provided. A cost estimate of the robot’s components must be created and all revisions to the cost estimate must be recorded and explained.
** The robot must use '''no more than two motors.'''
*Sensor Requirement
**The design must incorporate a sensor. This could be a gyro, ultrasonic, touch or IR obstacle sensor.
*Microcontroller Requirement
**The robot’s movements must be directed by an Arduino program. All revisions to the Arduino program must be recorded and explained.
*Autonomous Navigation
**The robot must be fully autonomous, and so cannot be touched during testing. The Arduino program may not be altered or switched during any part of the mission.
<!--Your team must build a model of your design using the materials provided. An Arduino program that will direct the robot's movements must be created. A cost estimate of the robot's components must be provided. All revisions to the original design must be recorded and explained. This includes technical design drawings as well as cost estimates. All revisions to the Arduino program must be recorded and explained.
The MRR must be able to move autonomously over the course, pick up the rock sample, and return to the start point, all while using a sensor. The sensor can be a gyro sensor, ultrasonic sensor, or touch sensor. The robot must traverse to the highest peak of the course. For extra credit, the robot can traverse the secondary ramp and return to the start tile. In completing the extra credit, the robot must descend the primary ramp similar to how it ascended it for Commissioning. <b>The robot cannot jump off the primary ramp directly to the secondary ramp.</b> The robot must fit within a 15 in &times; 15 in footprint. These specifications must be met for final Commissioning.
The robot's Arduino program may not be altered or switched during any part of the mission. Likewise, the robot must be fully autonomous, and therefore cannot be touched by any person during testing.-->
Please refer to the course syllabus for all due dates.
'''<span style="color: red;">Please note that this project aims to reflect certain real-life scenarios; the robot must be able to handle minor imperfections in the course. Any attempt to physically step on the course or have the robot drive off a cliff is unsafe and will result in a point penalty in the final project grade.</span>'''
== Course Layout ==
The MRR course (Figure 1) consists of two primary ramps, labeled Ramps 2 and 3, and one additional ramp, Ramp 1. The robot must traverse the uneven terrain to reach the rock sample, return to the Start tile, and traverse Ramps 2 and 3 and come to a complete stop at the peak. For extra credit, the robot can traverse Ramp 1, incorporate an additional sensor, and/or return to the start tile at the end of the run. In completing the extra credit, the robot must descend on the primary ramp for Commissioning.<b> The robot cannot jump off the primary ramp directly to Ramp 1.</b>
<!--<b>Ramp 1</b> is the secondary ramp that can be traversed for extra credit. <b>Ramps 2 and 3</b> comprise the primary ramp that must be traversed for Commissioning.-->
[[Image:MRR_Labeled.png|thumb|650px|frame|center|Figure 1: View of MRR Course]]
{{SLDP: Microsoft Project}}
== Drawings ==
All drawings and sketches should be made using the Assembly tool in Fusion 360. Fusion 360 can be downloaded for free from the [https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/students-teachers-educators Autodesk website] using an NYU email or accessed from any computer in the Modelshop during Open Lab hours.
Using Fusion 360, create four drawings of the robot: front, top, most detailed side, and a drawing of the gear train(s). Sensors, motors, and gears must be included in each drawing. Smaller pieces such as nuts, bolts, and axles may be omitted from the drawings.
Each revision of the design must be documented and all changes must be presented during Milestone presentations.
[[Image:Vex_mrr.png|thumb|400px|frame|center|Figure 2: Example Drawing of VEX MRR]]
== Model ==
Build a scale model (1:1) of the design. The following materials will be provided:
# VEX robotics pieces
# Basic electronics prototyping kit
# Sensors
# Motors
The finished MRR must not exceed a footprint of 15" × 15". There is no height limitation. Any additional components that the MRR is equipped with must also fit within the footprint. Additional materials can be supplied by a TA.
{{SLDP: Cost Estimate (VEX)}}
== CATME ==
When working on engineering team projects, peer evaluations and self-evaluations are critical for assessing how effective individual contributions are to the project. In this course, the recitation professor will use evaluations at each Milestone using a software called the Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME). More information can be found on the [[Teamwork Expectations]] page.
== Engineering Notebook ==
All work done on the project and future plans and goals must be documented in an Engineering Notebook. To complete a Benchmark assessment, the Engineering Notebook must be presented to the Open Lab TA completing the assessment. For Milestone 1, Milestone 2, Milestone 3, and Early or Final Submission, the Engineering Notebook must be approved by the recitation professor and be prepared to make it available to an Open Lab TA in a Word Document (.docx) format. A guide to writing the notebook and a basic overview of the expectations and frequency at which the Engineering Notebook must be updated can be found on the [[Keeping an Engineering Notebook]] page.
== Extra Credit ==
The tasks listed below show the opportunities to receive extra credit at commissioning:
* Returning to the Start tile at the end of the entire run. If completing multiple extra credit tasks, returning to the Start tile should be the final task completed.
* Traversing the secondary ramp (Ramp 1). The robot must be able to descend the primary ramp similar to how it ascended the ramp for commissioning. '''For safety reasons, the robot cannot jump off the primary ramp directly to Ramp 1.'''
* Implementing an additional sensor
Additional extra credit opportunities are as follows:
* Completing Early Submission
Refer to the [[EG1004 Grading Policy]] for exact point values. Creativity and innovation are always rewarded. Original designs will receive extra credit.
{{SLDP: Milestones and Benchmarks}}
{{SLDP: Milestone 1 (Robots)}}
{{SLDP: Benchmark A}}
* Robot reaches the rock sample (the robot does not have to pick it up)
* Initial CAD model
* Submit an .STL and a .3mf (Bambu Studio Project file) of the company logo through the 3D Printing Submission portal on the EG website
** <b>The [[3D Printing and Logo Guide]] contains information on the 3D printing requirements and guidelines.</b>
** The ProtoLab schedule is available on the [[3D Printing and Logo Guide]]
* Updated Engineering Notebook
== Milestone 2 ==
'''<span style="color: red;">See [[Media:Eg_milestones.pptx|How To Give a Milestone Presentation]] for the format of a Milestone presentation.</span>'''
Milestone 2 will be a project progress update. It must explain all changes and developments made to date, particularly in regards to Benchmark A. Include whether or not Benchmark A requirements are completed, and if not, explain why. Also, highlight any changes you plan on making to your design or project, in general.
The Milestone 2 presentation must include:
* Company profile
** Company name
** Product name
** Company officer title(s)
** Mission statement
* Project objective
** What is the project about?
** What tasks is the company aiming to accomplish? (Benchmark A/Benchmark B requirements)
** Overall design approach to complete objective
* Background information
** Why is the project happening?
** What does the audience need to know?
* Technical design description
** Explanation of design changes, if any
** CAD drawings: top, front, most detailed side, isometric, and gear train view
** Circuit and schematic diagram(s)
** Relevant pictures
** Flowchart of code
* Cost estimate (previous and current costs)
** Major components of design listed
** Miscellaneous category listed
** Projected labor listed
** What changes were made, if any?
* Microsoft Project schedule (previous and current)
** What changes were made, if any?
** Click [https://nyu.service-now.com/sp?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0018302&sys_kb_id=b996a7281b6210906441c8c11a4bcbce&spa=1| here] to access the guide on how to transfer a file
* Summary
** Overall assessment on current state of project
** Is the project on schedule? Is it on budget?
** Next steps and future tasks
{{SLDP: Benchmark B}}
* Rock sample is carried by the robot
* Robot returns to the Start tile
*Implement and use a sensor to aid the robot's navigation
* Updated CAD model
* Have an .STL and a .3mf (Bambu Studio Project file) of the company logo approved by a ProtoLab TA through the 3D Printing Submission portal on the EG website. Students must physically go to the ProtoLab before Modelshop Session 3 to get the logo approved. Logos cannot be approved during Modelshop sessions.
** <b>The [[3D Printing and Logo Guide]] contains information on the 3D printing requirements and guidelines</b>
** The ProtoLab schedule is available on the [[3D Printing and Logo Guide]]
* Updated Engineering Notebook
== Milestone 3 ==
'''<span style="color: red;">See [[Media:Eg_milestones.pptx|How To Give a Milestone Presentation]] for the format of a Milestone presentation.</span>'''
Milestone 3 will be the last project progress update. It must explain all changes and developments made to date, particularly in regards to Benchmark B. Include whether or not Benchmark B requirements are completed, and if not, explain why. Also, highlight any changes you plan on making to your design or project, in general.
The Milestone 3 presentation must include:
* Company profile
** Company name
** Product name
** Company officer title(s)
** Mission statement
* Project objective
** What is the project about?
** What tasks is the company aiming to accomplish? (Benchmark A/Benchmark B requirements)
** Overall design approach to complete objective
* Background information
** Why is the project happening?
** What does the audience need to know?
* Technical design description
** Explanation of design changes, if any
** CAD drawings: top, front, most detailed side, isometric, and gear train view
** Circuit and schematic diagram(s)
** Relevant pictures
** Flowchart of code
* Cost estimate (previous and current costs)
** Major components of design listed
** Miscellaneous category listed
** Projected labor listed
** What changes were made, if any?
* Microsoft Project schedule (previous and current)
** What changes were made, if any?
** Click [https://nyu.service-now.com/sp?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0018302&sys_kb_id=b996a7281b6210906441c8c11a4bcbce&spa=1| here] to access the guide on how to transfer a file
* Summary
** Overall assessment on current state of project
** Is the project on schedule? Is it on budget?
** Next steps and future tasks
{{SLDP: Commissioning}}
* Complete tasks for Benchmarks A and B
* Robot reaches the highest point of the mountain
** The robot must come to a complete stop at the peak
* Robot meets all specifications
* Finalized CAD model
* Have an .STL file of the company logo printed through the 3D Printing Submission portal on the EG website
** <b>The [[3D Printing and Logo Guide]] contains information on the 3D printing requirements and guidelines</b>
** The ProtoLab schedule is available on the [[3D Printing and Logo Guide]]
* All 3D prints must be approved by a ProtoLab TA
* Updated Engineering Notebook
'''The robot must complete the required tasks in a single run to obtain full credit for commissioning.'''
= Final Design Report =
The Final Design Report (FDR) provides a comprehensive overview of the project process and developments from initial brainstorm to finished prototype. All project expectations and outcomes must be clearly detailed in the document. This report will also provide documentation experience useful for completing a Senior Design final report and other projects.
The FDR must include the following documentation:
* CAD drawings
* Wiring diagrams
* Project schedule
* Cost estimate
The FDR uses different section headers and content than those in the lab reports, but all FDRs must follow the [[Media:EG_1004_Writing_Style_Guide.pdf| EG1004 Writing Style Guide]]. Use this [[Media:MRR_Final_Design_Report.docx|FDR]] template with the following outline:
* Introduction
**  Purpose of Project
**  Background
* Requirements
** Physical Components
** Software Components
* Procedures
** Physical Construction
** Software Setup
** Software Troubleshooting
* Milestone and Final Product Requirements
** Benchmark A Requirements
** Benchmark B Requirements
** Final Submission Requirements
** Human Resources and Training (e.g. TA expertise utilized, etc.)
* Results
** Benchmark A Results
** Benchmark B Results
** Difficulties Experienced
* Conclusion
** Results of Project
** Future Improvements
The FDR is due at the time of submission.
{{SLDP: Final Presentation MRR}}
{{SLDP: Submission}}
** Final presentation
** Final Arduino program
** Final circuit diagrams
** Initial sketch
** All the drawings of the design (initial through final)
** Video
** Final Microsoft Project schedule
** Final cost estimate
** Resume(s) (no fictitious resumes will be accepted)
** Final notebook/project journal
** Final Design Report
Please note that submission times are based on the most recent submission.
{{SLDP: Early Acceptance}}
{{SLDP: Late Delivery}}
= Frequently Asked Questions =
<b>Q: Is stepping on the course allowed as it is difficult to retrieve a robot from the middle of the course due to its size?</b>
A: No. If needed,  ask a TA for assistance.
<b>Q: Can the course be bumped if the robot gets stuck?</b>
A: No. It is not possible to bump Mars, so bumping the course is not an option.
<b>Q: Can rubber bands be used on the wheels for more traction?</b>
A: Yes. This is highly encouraged, especially when dealing with slopes.
<b>Q: All the VEX parts are really big. Is there a size constraint?</b>
A: There is a size limitation of a 15 in &times; 15 in footprint. Exceeding this constraint is okay, but it may create difficulties in navigating the robot through the course.
<b>Q: Can more than 2 motors be used?</b>
A: '''No.''' Robot designs are limited to two motors.
<b>Q: Can the robot jump from one hill to another?</b>
A: <b>No.</b> This will cause damage to both the robot and course and is also unsafe. If the robot does this, the trial will be invalidated and the project may receive point penalties to the final project grade.
<b>Q: What is the best way to start building the robot? </b>
A: For help with building, refer to the [[VEX How-To Manual]].
{{Semester-Long Design Project}}
<!--{{SLDP: RFP|Mars Rover Robot (MRR)}}

{{SLDP: Real-life Scenarios (Robots)}}
{{SLDP: Real-life Scenarios (Robots)}}
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= Introduction and Overview =
= Introduction and Overview =
In 2013, there was a two-week government shutdown that closed down the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Fortunately, they were able to come back online after the two-week period, but the incident caused major setbacks in all projects, including the Mars Rover.
The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has received increased funding and have been able to reinstate the Constellation program. To help accelerate the process of development, NASA has issued an RFP (request for proposal) for a rover that will be used in the first of the Constellation missions. This rover will provide data about the landing site and begin preparations of the surrounding area to aid the manned missions arriving 26 months later. The robot should be able to get an accurate salinity reading of any water source, collect soil samples, travel across uneven terrain, and return to the landing site.

Because of the setback, NASA is asking outside companies to help with the project. They have issued a request for the development of a cost-effective autonomous robot that can travel the surface of Mars and take water source readings. The robot should be able to get an accurate salinity reading of any water source, travel across uneven terrain, and return to the landing site.
The mission has two parts that must be completed. The first part uses a salinity sensor to measure the salt content of one water source and a soil collection module to collect a soil sample, both taken by an autonomous robot (see Course Specifications for more details). The second part of this mission involves analyzing a water source and a soil sample. The water must be tested for salt content. There are two soil tests that the robot can choose from: a pH test and a compounds separation test. Once the tests are done, a conclusion must be reached about whether life can exist in the water sources on Mars, and (depending on the soil test) whether plants can potentially grow in the soil and/or if there is enough Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> to produce an adequate amount of rocket fuel.

The mission has two parts that must be completed. The first part uses a salinity sensor to measure the salt content of two water sources on the surface of Mars using an autonomous robot (see [[#Course Specifications|Course Specifications]] for more details). The second part of this mission involves analyzing several different water source samples found on Earth and making a graph of the density vs the salinity of the solutions (see [[#Data Specifications|Data Specifications]] for more details). Once the graph is complete, it will be used to analyze the water source readings taken by the robot on the course. Based on this analysis, a conclusion must be reached about whether or not life can exist on Mars.
= Course Specifications =
Design a robot using Lego Digital Designer as your primary design tool. A model of your design must be built using the materials provided. A Mindstorms program that will direct the robot's movements must be created. A cost estimate of the robot's components must be provided. All revisions to the original design must be recorded and explained. This includes technical design drawings and cost estimates. All revisions to the Mindstorms program must be recorded and explained.

= Course Specifications =
The Mars Rover Robot (MRR) must be able to move autonomously over the surface of Mars and collect salinity readings from a water source and a soil reading from a soil sample. Salinity readings will be taken using a salinity sensor while soil readings will be taken using a soil collection module. The robot must return to start to pick up the next module/sensor; if the robot can hold both the sensor and module while traversing the course, there is no need to go back to start between readings. The NXT adapter must be fixed to the robot at all times. The robot must finish in the start area, which is 25 cm by 25 cm. There is no height restriction. The part of the robot containing the Vernier sensor and collection modules must also fit within the size specifications.  
Design a robot using MLCad as your primary design tool. A model of your design must be built using the materials provided. A Mindstorms program that will direct the robot's movements must be created. A cost estimate of the robot's components must be provided. All revisions to the original design must be recorded and explained. This includes technical design drawings and cost estimates. All revisions to the Mindstorms program must be recorded and explained.

The Mars Recovery Robot (MRR) must be able to move autonomously over the surface of Mars and collect salinity readings from at least two of the three water sources that are located throughout the course. Between readings, the robot must return the first reading to the space shuttle and clean the sensor by dipping it into the distilled water beaker. For extra credit, the third water source reading can be taken. The robot must fit in a start area that is 25cm long by 25cm wide. There is no height restriction. The part of the robot containing the Vernier sensor must also fit within the size specifications. These specifications must be met for final commissioning.
Projectile (catapult, slingshot) designs are not allowed.
Projectile (catapult, slingshot) designs are not allowed.

The robot program may not be altered or switched during any part of the mission. The robot must be fully autonomous and cannot be touched by any person during testing. Please refer to the course syllabus for all due dates.
The robot program may not be altered or switched during any part of the mission. The robot must be fully autonomous and cannot be touched by any person during testing. Modules can be attached or placed on the robot so long as the robot is not shifted or altered in any way. Please refer to the course syllabus for all due dates.
The robot must return to the space shuttle to successfully complete the project.

'''Note'': Any student who attempts to alter the course in any way, shape, or fashion must meet with the Course Director to explain your attempt at academic dishonesty.  
The robot must return to the landing site to successfully complete the project.  

== Main Tasks ==
== Main Tasks ==
The first part of the mission requires the robot to:
The first part of the mission requires the robot to:
* Collect two different readings of water sources with the Vernier salinity sensor (Remember to return to the landing site between each reading)
* Collect one water reading using the Vernier salinity sensor
* Return to the space shuttle at the landing site once both readings are taken
** Salinity sensor must be dipped into the water sample by the robot
* Collect one soil sample from a dig site using a collection module
** The robot must carry the collection module '''from the Start tile to the dig site'''
** Soil collection modules can be placed by hand onto the soil sample once the robot comes within 2 cm of the sample
** Collection modules are color coded; refer to the layout to determine which module to use
* Return to the landing site between readings unless the robot can hold both a module and the salinity sensor
* Return to the landing site after all readings are taken
[[Image:Soil_collection_modules.JPG|thumb|200px|center|Figure 1: Soil Collection Modules]]

== Extra Credit ==
== Extra Credit ==
Extra credit will be awarded if:
Extra Credit will be awarded if:
* The third water source reading is taken and returned to the space shuttle
*The robot obtains 3 readings (at least 1 soil and 1 water)
* The robot travels down into and out of the crater
*The robot crosses the canyon
* The robot travels up the step side of the hill
*The robot travels up and down the mountain
[[Image:MRR1.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 1: Mars Rover Course.]]
*The robot takes a reading from an extra credit tile

== Features ==
== Layout ==
[[Image:MRR2.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 2: The starting (landing) point with distilled water beaker.]]
[[Image:Labelled-mrr-super-correct.jpg|thumb|600px|center|Figure 2: Mars Rover Course Map]]
[[Image:MRR3.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 3: First water source, located near bumpy terrain.]]
[[Image:MRR4.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 4: Second water source, located near the crater.]]
[[Image:MRR5.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 5: Third water source, located on the other side of the flag.]]
[[Image:MRR6.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 6: Large crater.]]
[[Image:MRR21.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 7: Large hill with a step side (left) and a slope side (right).]]
[[Image:MRR22.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 8: Three small hills.]]
[[Image:MRR23.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 9: Touch sensor that activates the flag.]]
[[Image:MRR24.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 10: Two bridges located over a crevasse.]]

{{SLDP: Microsoft Project}}
{{SLDP: Microsoft Project}}
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== Model ==
== Model ==
[[Image:MRR7.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Figure 12: Salinity sensor<ref name="vernier">[http://www.vernier.com/products/sensors/sal-bta/ http://www.vernier.com/products/sensors/sal-bta/ http://www.vernier.com/products/sensors/sal-bta/]</ref>.]]
[[Image:MRR7.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Figure 3: Salinity sensor<ref name="vernier">[http://www.vernier.com/products/sensors/sal-bta/ http://www.vernier.com/products/sensors/sal-bta/ http://www.vernier.com/products/sensors/sal-bta/]</ref>.]]
[[Image:MRR8.png|thumb|250px|right|Figure 13: NXT Sensor Adapter<ref name="vernier"></ref>.]]
[[Image:MRR8.png|thumb|250px|right|Figure 4: NXT Sensor Adapter<ref name="vernier"></ref>.]]
The following materials will be provided:  
The following materials will be provided:  
# Mindstorms kit  
# Mindstorms kit  
# One NXT/EV3  
# One EV3  
# Sensors  
# Sensors  
# Motors  
# Motors  
# Salinity sensor*
# Salinity sensor*
# NXT Sensor Adapter
# NXT Sensor Adapter (you won't need this until you're working on MRR Part 2)
# Two soil collection modules

<nowiki>*</nowiki> Please note that the salinity sensor will only be available for use in the Model Shop. This is for safety purposes as we do not want the sensor to be misplaced or damaged in transit from school to home.  
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Please note that the salinity sensor and soil collection modules will only be available for use in the Model Shop. This is for safety purposes as we do not want the sensor to be misplaced or damaged in transit from school to home.  

There is size limitation for the robot. Please note the size of the obstacles on the course when building the robot.
There is size limitation for the robot. Please note the size of the obstacles on the course when building the robot.
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= Data Specifications =
= Data Specifications =
== Main Tasks ==
== Overview ==
'''Download the [[Media:MARS ROVER ROBOT_DATA SPECIFICATIONS SHEET.pdf|Part 2 Template]] and complete all applicable questions before submitting the final folder.''' 
The second part of the mission is to:
The second part of the mission is to:
* Create a graph measuring salinity (ppt) vs density. This is done by analyzing several different beakers filled with different 100 mL saline solutions with varying measures of salinity.
* Analyze 3 water samples' salinities and specific gravities to determine if life can exist in the waters of Mars
* Answer questions using the graph and readings from the water sources on the course
* Analyze a soil sample depending on which dig site(s) the robot traveled to:
** pH Test: Test the pH to determine if plants/vegetables can grow, and if possible, state 3 different potential plants/vegetables that could be planted
** Fuel Test: Analyze a sample of Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and a sample of Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> to determine how much rocket fuel can be made

== Background Information ==
== Background Information ==
For the first part of this project, a robot must collect the readings of at least two out of the three water sources located on the Mars Rover course using a salinity sensor. These readings alone provide limited data about the water source; more will be learned when the readings are analyzed and compared to other sources. By comparing the salinity reading of the water sources on the Mars course to known readings on Earth, it can be determined if life is possible on Mars.
=== Salinity ===
=== Salinity ===
Salinity is defined as the amount of salt dissolved in a solution. This can be seen in bodies of water throughout the world. Most of the oceans have salinity between 34 and 36 parts per thousand (ppt) while the Mediterranean Sea has a salinity of 38 ppt. One of the more salty bodies of water in the world is the Dead Sea which has a salinity of 342 ppt, which is 9.6 times higher than that of oceans.
Salinity is defined as the amount of salt dissolved in a solution. This can be seen in bodies of water throughout the world. Most of the oceans have salinity between 34 and 36 parts per thousand (ppt) while the Mediterranean Sea has a salinity of 38 ppt. One of the more salty bodies of water in the world is the Dead Sea which has a salinity of 342 ppt, which is 9.6 times higher than that of oceans.
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Ionic compounds are different from molecular compounds because molecular compounds are held together by bonds and ionic compounds are not. Non-metals have a tendency to gain electrons and have a little tendency to lose them. When two non-metals come together to make a molecular compound, they share electrons. This is because both non-metals want the other's electron(s) and do not want to give up their own; they form a bond to share those electron(s) between them. For ionic compounds, the metals have a tendency to lose electrons and the non-metals have a tendency to gain electrons, which sets up a perfect match. When the two are put near each other, the metal gives the non-metal an electron(s).
Ionic compounds are different from molecular compounds because molecular compounds are held together by bonds and ionic compounds are not. Non-metals have a tendency to gain electrons and have a little tendency to lose them. When two non-metals come together to make a molecular compound, they share electrons. This is because both non-metals want the other's electron(s) and do not want to give up their own; they form a bond to share those electron(s) between them. For ionic compounds, the metals have a tendency to lose electrons and the non-metals have a tendency to gain electrons, which sets up a perfect match. When the two are put near each other, the metal gives the non-metal an electron(s).
[[Image:MRR9.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 14: Ionic bonds<ref name="vchembook">http://www.elmhurst.edu/~chm/vchembook/160Aintermolec.html</ref>.]]
[[Image:MRR9.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 5: Ionic bonds<ref name="vchembook">http://www.elmhurst.edu/~chm/vchembook/160Aintermolec.html</ref>.]]

These newer elements are called ions and they can either be positive or negative. The metal ion tends to be positive because it gave an electron away (electrons are negatively charged), and the non-metal tends to be negative because it accepted an electron from the metal. These ions are what conducts electricity and the more ions there are, the more electricity they can conduct. This conductive property of ions is what allows the salinity sensor to determine the salinity of a solution, based on the number of salt ions in the water. Figure 15 shows the dissociation or separation of the two elements in table salt, sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). Notice that the metal (Na) becomes a positively charged ion while the non-metal (Cl) becomes a negatively charged ion based on the electron exchange.   
These newer elements are called ions and they can either be positive or negative. The metal ion tends to be positive because it gave an electron away (electrons are negatively charged), and the non-metal tends to be negative because it accepted an electron from the metal. These ions are what conducts electricity and the more ions there are, the more electricity they can conduct. This conductive property of ions is what allows the salinity sensor to determine the salinity of a solution, based on the number of salt ions in the water. Figure 15 shows the dissociation or separation of the two elements in table salt, sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). Notice that the metal (Na) becomes a positively charged ion while the non-metal (Cl) becomes a negatively charged ion based on the electron exchange.   

[[Image:MRR10.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 15: Dissociation of NaCl<ref name="stevenson">http://www.ltcconline.net/stevenson/2008CHM101Fall/CHM101LectureNotes20081022.htm</ref>.]]
[[Image:MRR10.jpg|thumb|500px|center|Figure 6: Dissociation of NaCl<ref name="stevenson">http://www.ltcconline.net/stevenson/2008CHM101Fall/CHM101LectureNotes20081022.htm</ref>.]]

=== Why It's Important ===
Salinity plays an important role is determining the chemistry of organisms that live in the oceans and seas that cover the Earth because it governs physical characteristics such as density and heat capacity. These physical characteristics also determine which organisms and plants can survive in a body of salt water. As described earlier, the Dead Sea has a very high salinity, causing the density to increase and creating a harsh environment that few life forms can survive in.
Salinity plays an important role is determining the chemistry of organisms that live in the oceans and seas that cover the Earth because it governs physical characteristics such as density and heat capacity. These physical characteristics also determine which organisms and plants can survive in a body of salt water. As described earlier, the Dead Sea has a very high salinity, causing the density to increase and creating a harsh environment that few life forms can survive in.

Line 104: Line 395:
<math>Specific Gravity = \frac{\rho}{\rho_{reference}}\!\,</math>
<math>Specific Gravity = \frac{\rho}{\rho_{reference}}\!\,</math>

Specific gravity ratios are used for many purposes in chemistry, but for this project it plays an important role in determining whether fish can survive in certain salinities. Freshwater fish can survive in bodies of water with a specific gravity ranging from 0.98 &ndash; 1.00 and saltwater fish can survive in water with a specific gravity ranging from 0.93 &ndash; 0.98. Plants and organisms that can live in a wide range of salinities can survive with specific gravities ranging from 0.90 &ndash; 0.95 and those that can survive in extremely saline conditions can live in waters with specific gravities ranging from 0.86 &ndash; 0.89. These conditions are specific to this project only and do not replicate the real ratios.
Specific gravity ratios are used for many purposes in chemistry, but for this project it plays an important role in determining whether fish can survive in certain salinities. Freshwater fish can survive in bodies of water with a specific gravity ranging from 0.98 &ndash; 1.00 and saltwater fish can survive in water with a specific gravity ranging from 0.93 &ndash; 0.98. Plants and organisms that can live in a wide range of salinities can survive with specific gravities ranging from 0.90 &ndash; 0.95 and those that can survive in extremely saline conditions can live in waters with specific gravities ranging from 0.86 &ndash; 0.89. These conditions are specific to this project only and do not replicate the real ratios. In salinity (ppt) terms, freshwater fish can only survive in salinities less than 3 ppt. The salinities of bodies of water found on Earth are displayed below as a reference for other types of fish and organisms:
{|class="wikitable" style="float: center; margin-top: 0px; margin-left:13px;"
|+style="caption-side:bottom; white-space:nowrap;"|Figure X. Salinity values of various bodies of water on Earth, measured in ppt.
!Body of Water!!Salinity
|Baltic Sea || 8 ppt
|Black Sea || 18 ppt
|Average Seawater || 34.7 ppt
|Mediterranean Sea || 39 ppt
|Red Sea || 40 ppt
|Mono Lake || >50 ppt
Typically, chemists use the density of a solution to estimate its salinity, but for this project, both the salinity and specific gravity will be used to determine whether a body of water can sustain life or not.
=== pH ===
In order to recognize the safety and viability of aqueous solutions in chemical reactions, the pH needs to be calculated.  The pH numeric scale is used to determine the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution.  At the top of the scale, 14 is for very strong bases, and 0 is for the strongest acid.  In the middle of the scale, 7 is for neutral aqueous solutions. 
To determine the pH, one must use an indicator.  These indicators are halochromic chemical compounds added in small amounts to solutions to determine the pH visually.  The different pH levels and their corresponding color can be seen in the picture below.
[[Image:Mrr_pH.JPG|thumb|500px|center|Figure 8: pH indicator colors and their corresponding pH values]]
pH plays a vital factor in Martian exploration due to the connection between the soil's pH and its ability to harbor vegetation.  On Earth, agriculture usually occurs in soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.  However, on Mars the pH is considerably higher.  In August 2008,  the Phoenix Lander conducted basic chemical analysis and determined the pH of martian soil.  It was found that the soil had a pH of 8.3 and contained salt perchlorate.
The samples in this test are aqueous solutions that have been mixed with Martian soil and filtered to be clear. pH indicator will be used to determine whether plants can grow on the surface of Mars.
=== Magnetite, Hematite, and Wustite ===
The issue that plagues a voyage to Mars is the number of resources necessary for the astronauts to have a successful return trip. The inherent weight of the fuel alone makes the trip exceptionally difficult. However, as unmanned missions have progressed the presence of '''hematite''' (Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) and '''wustite''' (FeO) on the surface of Mars brings a new hope to a mission of this sort.
For the majority of rockets, pressurized hydrogen (H<sub>2</sub>) is the main source of fuel. Its high potential energy, relatively low weight, and abundance make it an ideal choice. On Mars, there is an abundance of both hematite and wustite. Hematite, a reddish black mineral consisting of ferric oxide, and wustite, a greenish gray crystallite, are the two martian components required. Prior to the creation of the hydrogen fuel, the hematite and hydrogen must be reacted to create '''magnetite''' (Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>). With magnetite and wustite, hydrogen can be created, which is a form of rocket fuel.  On Mars this process is an in-situ, on location, production of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide through a two-step thermochemical splitting process or redox cycle.  In this process, hydrogen reacts with magnetite to form wustite, which is then combined with water to create hydrogen.  The chemical equations can be seen below:
* <math>3Fe_2O_3 + CO \rightarrow 2Fe_3O_4 + CO_2</math>
* <math>Fe_3O_4 (+ energy) \rightarrow 3FeO + \frac{1}{2}O_2</math>
* <math>3FeO + H_2O \rightarrow Fe_3O_4 + H_2</math>
The samples in this course consist of Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>. The amount of H<sub>2</sub> (rocket fuel) can be determined from the amount of Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> found in the sample by using the above chemical reactions.
[[Image:Mrr_rocket.JPG|thumb|500px|center|Figure 9: SpaceX's Falcon Heavy launch on February 6, 2018]]

Typically, chemists use the density of a solution to estimate its salinity, but for this project the opposite approach will be used. Using the salinity reading from the water sources on the Mars course, the density of these sources can be estimated. The procedure for obtaining data, making a graph, and analyzing the data are all explained below. Once the density of the Mars water sources are determined, they can be used to answer a series of questions concerning whether life is sustainable on Mars.
== Obtaining and Analyzing Data ==
For the second part of this project, calculations will be done on the water sources and soil samples from the course. This data will be used to answer each test's objective. This part requires the use of a robot and the EV3 program. The robot may be touched for this part only. It will also have to be done during an Open Lab session and a TA will the following materials:
*For Salinity Test
** One 100 mL beaker filled with salt water
** Salinity sensor
** A scale
*For pH Test
**One 100 mL beaker filled with solution
**pH indicator
**A stirring stick
*For Fuel Test
** One packet of Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>
** One packet of Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>
** One empty packet (to tare)
** A scale

== Obtaining and Graphing Data ==
== Testing Procedures ==
For the second part of this project, a graph based on several known salt water samples will be created. This graph will be used to answer the question of whether life is habitable on Mars. This part requires the use of a robot and either the NXT or EV3 program. The robot may be touched for this part only. It will also have to be done during an Open Lab session and a TA will supply the following materials: several 100 mL beakers filled with salt water, a scale, and a salinity sensor.
Depending on the samples the robot travels to, there are tests that must be done in order to complete the mission.  

Each one of the beakers is labeled and contains 100 mL of salt water solution ranging in salinities from 0 &ndash; 50 parts per thousand (ppt). Determine the density and the salinity of each solution using only a gram scale and a salinity sensor. Density can be recorded in grams per milliliter (g/mL) and salinity should be recorded in ppt. The formula for density is shown below for reference where ''m'' represents the mass and ''V'' represents the volume.
Fuel Test (Yellow Soil Sample)
* A packet of Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and a packet of Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> must be weighed in order to find out how much rocket fuel can be produced by the samples found on Mars
** Tare the scale using the empty packet
** Mass the packet of Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>
** Mass the packet of Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>
** Calculate how much rocket fuel can be created and answer Analysis questions accordingly
pH Test (Red Soil Sample)
* A sample of soil must be tested to see if plants can grow
** Use universal indicator to determine the pH levels of the soil on Mars
** Answer Analysis questions using the results
Water Salinity
* Three water samples must be tested to determine if life can exist in the water on Mars
** Use the salinity sensor and EV3 program to determine salinity
** Calculate specific gravity and answer Analysis questions accordingly
*** Note: The robot does not travel to both samples
Density can be recorded in grams per milliliter (g/mL) and salinity should be recorded in ppt. The formula for density is shown below for reference where ''m'' represents the mass and ''V'' represents the volume.

<math>Density(\rho) = \frac{m}{V}\!\,</math>
<math>Density(\rho) = \frac{m}{V}\!\,</math>

All of the information recorded in this part of the section should be in an Excel spreadsheet. The beaker number should also be recorded along with all of the other information. Once the Excel spreadsheet is complete with all the different readings and measurements required to calculate density and salinity, make a graph on Microsoft Excel. The graph should be relatively linear and look similar to the one shown in Figure 16. Please remember to put a title, label both axes with units, and include a legend.
All of the information recorded in this part of the section should be typed up on a Word document. Please download the Part 2 template and refer to each test's set of questions to complete the document.
[[Image:MRR11.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 16: Graph of Salinity vs Density.]]

== Analysis ==
== Analysis ==
Once the graph is complete, determine the density of the water source samples that were recorded on the Mars course in part one of this project. The density of these water sources taken from the Mars course will be used to answer the following questions:
In the [[Media:MARS ROVER ROBOT_DATA SPECIFICATIONS SHEET.pdf|Part 2 template]], answer the following questions. Only answer questions for the tests performed:
* Which, if any, of the Mars water sources are habitable for freshwater fish?
* Which, if any, of the Mars water sources are habitable for saltwater fish?
* Salinity Test
* Would euryhalines survive? How about halophiles?
** What are the salinities of the three samples?
* Based on the answers to the other three questions, write four to five sentences answering the question "Could life exist on Mars?"
** The salinity of the great lakes is at most 0.60 ppt, the salinity of the Atlantic ocean is 37 ppt. Just based on salinity is it reasonable to suspect that fish can survive in the salinity conditions of these waters?
** Name 3 examples of how salinity impacts the environment on Earth? Both on land and in water.
*pH Test
** What is the number on the sample's beaker?
** What is the pH of the sample?
** Can plants survive in this pH? If so, name three plants that could potentially be planted.
*Fuel Test
** How much Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (in grams) was found in the sample?
** How much Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> (in grams) was found in the sample?
** How much fuel (H<sub>2</sub>) can be produced (in grams) by the Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> found in the sample? Show calculations.
** How much Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (in kilograms) is needed to produced 5kg of (H<sub>2</sub>)? Show calculations.

These questions along with their answers should be typed up neatly in a Microsoft Word document, showing all the formulas and calculations used to answer the questions as well as a few sentences explaining the calculations and the thought process. A simple formula and calculation will not suffice. Please note that these questions do require some critical thinking.
Show all the formulas and calculations used to answer the questions as well as a few sentences explaining the calculations and the thought process. A simple formula and calculation will not suffice. Please note that these questions do require some critical thinking.

'''<nowiki>*</nowiki> Please remember to save all documents from part two (Excel sheet, graph, questions and answers) because they are required to commission and should all be included in the final submission folder. '''
'''<nowiki>*</nowiki> Please remember to save all documents from part two (questions and answers) because they are required for final submission. '''

{{SLDP: Milestones and Benchmarks}}
{{SLDP: Milestones and Benchmarks}}

{{SLDP: Milestone 1 (Robots)}}
{{SLDP: Milestone 1 (Robots)}}

{{SLDP: Benchmark A}}
{{SLDP: Benchmark A}}
* Obtain first water source reading  
* Obtain one soil reading from any of the four available soil sources

{{SLDP: Milestone 2 (Robots)}}
{{SLDP: Milestone 2 (Robots)}}

{{SLDP: Benchmark B}}
{{SLDP: Benchmark B}}
* Obtain first water source reading
* Obtain a first soil reading from any of the four available soil sources
* Return to shuttle to clean sensor
* Return to the landing site to pick up salinity sensor if necessary
* Obtain second water source reading
* Obtain a second reading from a water source

{{SLDP: Milestone 3 (Robots)}}
{{SLDP: Milestone 3 (Robots)}}

{{SLDP: Commissioning}}
{{SLDP: Commissioning}}
* Obtain two water source readings and make it back to the space shuttle
* Obtain a water and soil reading
* Graph of density vs salinity
* Return to the landing site
* Answered questions from [[#Main Tasks 2|Data Specifications: Main Tasks]]
* Conduct all corresponding tests
*: '''<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Note</span>''': All questions and answers (including formulas and calculations as well as explanations) must be neatly typed on a MS Word Document.
* Completed [[Media:MARS ROVER ROBOT_DATA SPECIFICATIONS SHEET.pdf|Part 2 Template]] of test results from [[#Analysis|Data Specifications: Analysis]]  
**NOTE: UAI students do NOT need to complete Part 2 in order to commission

{{SLDP: Final Presentation}}
{{SLDP: Final Presentation}}
Line 165: Line 535:
{{SLDP: Submission}}
{{SLDP: Submission}}
** Final presentation
** Final presentation
** Cover page and table of contents
** Final Mindstorms program
** Final Mindstorms program
** Initial sketch
** Initial sketch
Line 173: Line 542:
** Final cost estimate
** Final cost estimate
** Resume(s) (No fictitious resumes will be accepted.)
** Resume(s) (No fictitious resumes will be accepted.)
** Density vs salinity graph
** Completed [[Media:MARS ROVER ROBOT_DATA SPECIFICATIONS SHEET.pdf|Part 2 Template]] of test results from [[#Analysis|Data Specifications: Analysis]]
** Microsoft Word document of questions and answers asked in [[#Main Tasks 2|Data Specifications: Main Tasks]]

{{SLDP: Early Acceptance}}
{{SLDP: Early Acceptance}}
Line 180: Line 548:
{{SLDP: Late Delivery}}
{{SLDP: Late Delivery}}

= Appendix: Programming with Vernier Sensors =
= Frequently Asked Questions =
In order to program the NXT/EV3 to obtain a reading using a Vernier sensor, a special sensor block that must be used. This block does not initially come with the NXT Mindstorms or EV3 programs, but can be easily downloaded. The computers in the Model Shop and all the EG lab rooms already have this sensor block on the programs. If you would like to download it onto your own computer, please look at the instructions below, which apply to both the NXT and the EV3 sensor blocks. 
Could we take readings from both the regular and extra credit options of a sample?
:No. You can only go for one sample in each category (i.e. cannot get both regular water and extra credit water)

== Downloading the Sensor Block: NXT ==
Can we bump the course if the robot gets stuck?
The sensor block can be downloaded from the Vernier website at [www.vernier.com www.vernier.com]. Once at the website, search for "Vernier NXT Sensor Block" and click on the first link on the search results page. Your page should look like the one in Figure 17.

[[Image:MRR12.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 17: Vernier Sensor Block Download.]]
:No. You can't bump Mars, so bumping the course is not an option.

Once at this webpage, click on "Download Vernier Sensor Block – Version 2.0" and save the "Vernier Sensor" folder to a place where it can be accessed easily.
Can we rubber band the soil collection module to the robot?

Start NXT 2.0 Programming on your computer. At the top of the screen click on "Tools" -> "Block Import and Export Wizard." A screen will pop up that looks like the one in Figure 18.
:No. The module has to be fixed to the robot using only EV3 pieces that came in your kit. Regular Legos cannot be used.

[[Image:MRR13.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 18: Block import and export wizard.]]
Can we put the soil collection module back on the robot once it's been placed on a soil sample?

Click on "Browse" and search for the "Vernier Sensor" file that was recently downloaded from the Vernier website. After a few seconds, the words "Vernier Sensor" will appear in the box under "Name." Click on the name and change the "Advanced" tab to "Sensors." This ensures that the sensor block will appear in the sensors palette with all of the other sensor blocks. Finally, hit import and the file will be downloaded and can be located in the sensor palette.  
:No. The soil collection module must remain on the soil sample for the rest of the robot's run.

= Appendix: Programming with Vernier Sensors =
In order to program the EV3 to obtain a reading using a Vernier sensor, a special sensor block that must be used. This block does not initially come with the EV3 programs, but can be easily downloaded. The computers in the Model Shop and all the EG lab rooms already have this sensor block on the programs. If you would like to download it onto your own computer, please look at the instructions below.
== Downloading the Sensor Block: EV3 ==
== Downloading the Sensor Block: EV3 ==
The instructions are the same for downloading the EV3 sensor block. On [www.vernier.com www.vernier.com], search for "Vernier EV3 Sensor Block" and click on the first link on the search results page.
The instructions are the same for downloading the EV3 sensor block. On [www.vernier.com www.vernier.com], search for "Vernier EV3 Sensor Block" and click on the first link on the search results page.
Line 202: Line 574:

Start the EV3 software on your computer. At the top of the screen click on "Tools" -> "Block Import." A screen will pop up that looks very similar to the one in Figure 18. Click on "Browse" and search for the "Vernier Sensor Block.ev3b" file that was recently downloaded from the website. After a few seconds, the words "Vernier Sensor Block.ev3b" will appear in the box under "Name." Click on the name and hit import; the file will be downloaded.  
Start the EV3 software on your computer. At the top of the screen click on "Tools" -> "Block Import." A screen will pop up that looks very similar to the one in Figure 18. Click on "Browse" and search for the "Vernier Sensor Block.ev3b" file that was recently downloaded from the website. After a few seconds, the words "Vernier Sensor Block.ev3b" will appear in the box under "Name." Click on the name and hit import; the file will be downloaded.  
== Using the Sensor Block: NXT ==
Start NXT 2.0 Programming on your computer and open a new program. On the left hand side of the window, click on the yellow sensors palette, a window of different sensors should be visible. Click and hold on to the Vernier Sensor icon and drag it onto the main frame. Extend the bottom of the Vernier sensor just as in Figure 19.
[[Image:MRR14.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 19: Vernier sensor block (NXT).]]
Click on the Vernier sensor block. At the bottom of the screen, change the port number to the port that the NXT sensor adapter is plugged into the NXT brick. Under the dropdown "Sensor" window, pick "Salinity." A meter with the numbers 0 &ndash; 50 should be seen to the right. This meter will move once the salinity sensor comes in contact with salt water and it is measured in ppt.
A sample program can be seen in Figure 20. In this program, the salinity in ppt that the Vernier salinity sensor reads will be displayed on the NXT brick for five seconds. The meter explained above can also be seen in Figure 20.
[[Image:MRR15.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 20: Sample salinity reading program.]]

== Using the Sensor Block: EV3 ==
== Using the Sensor Block: EV3 ==
Line 221: Line 582:
[[Image:MRR16.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 21: Vernier sensor block (EV3).]]
[[Image:MRR16.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 21: Vernier sensor block (EV3).]]

After the button is pressed go to "Measure" -> "More Sensors" -> "Salinity ppt." You should see that the image looks like the one in Figure 22.
After the button is pressed go to "Measure" -> "More Sensors" -> "Salinity ppt." You should see that the image looks similar to the one in Figure 22.

[[Image:MRR17.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 22: Salinity sensor block.]]
[[Image:Salinity_sensor_block.PNG|thumb|500px|center|Figure 22: Salinity sensor block.]]

Now, we are going to create a program to make the robot continuously measure the salinity for five seconds and display the reading on the EV3 brick. To do this, we must input a loop that can be found under the orange palette. Drag the loop onto the main frame. Click on the infinity symbol under the red arrows on the loop switch and change it to time, which can be found all the way at the bottom. Change the number to the right of the button to five. It should now look like the program in Figure 23.
Now, we are going to create a program to make the robot continuously measure the salinity and display the reading on the EV3 brick. To do this, we must input a loop that can be found under the orange palette. Drag the loop onto the main frame. It should now look like the program in Figure 23.

[[Image:MRR18.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 23: Loop with salinity sensor block.]]
[[Image:Salinity_sensor_loop.PNG|thumb|500px|center|Figure 23: Loop with salinity sensor block.]]
* To change the runtime to a specific amount of time, click on the infinity symbol under the red arrows on the loop switch and change it to time, which can be found all the way at the bottom. Change the number to the right of the button to the desired time.

We are now going to have the salinity reading display on the EV3 brick. Go to the green palette at the bottom of the program, click on the display block and drag it onto the main frame. On the display block, click on the image folder and go to text, then pixels. The block should look like the one in Figure 24.
We are now going to have the salinity reading display on the EV3 brick. Go to the green palette at the bottom of the program, click on the display block and drag it onto the main frame. On the display block, click on the image folder and go to text, then pixels. The block should look like the one in Figure 24.
Line 233: Line 595:
[[Image:MRR19.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 24: Display block.]]
[[Image:MRR19.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 24: Display block.]]

At the top of the display sensor block, the name "MINDSTORMS" is displayed. Click on the name and change it to "Wired." The block should look exactly the same except with one more slot immediately to the left of the spot with the check mark. Input the display block into the loop previously made and wire it like the picture in Figure 25. This program will now allow the salinity sensor to read the measurement and display it on the brick for five seconds.
At the top of the display sensor block, the name "MINDSTORMS" is displayed. Click on the name and change it to "Wired." The block should look exactly the same except with one more slot immediately to the left of the spot with the check mark. Input the display block into the loop previously made and wire it like the picture in Figure 25. This program will now allow the salinity sensor to read the measurement and display it on the brick until the program is stopped.

[[Image:MRR20.png|thumb|500px|center|Figure 25: Sample salinity reading program.]]
[[Image:Salinity_sensor_full.PNG|thumb|500px|center|Figure 25: Sample salinity reading program.]]
*Note: For measuring salinity for Part 2, it's recommended to run the loop continuously in order to continuously display the salinity until the program is stopped.

= References =
= References =

{{Semester-Long Design Project}}
{{Semester-Long Design Project}}-->

Latest revision as of 11:07, 4 March 2024

Request for Proposal: Mars Rover Robot (MRR)

Introduction and Overview

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has recently received strong evidence of volcanic activity on the long-believed volcanically dormant planet, Mars. Radar measurements from the Mars Express spacecraft have detected the presence of a 20 km wide lake of liquid water located underneath a layer of ice in the Planum Australe region. Modern research about the discovery suggests that the only way to maintain water in the liquid state in the conditions present on Mars is with the presence of a magma chamber located underneath the body of liquid water. To explore the possibility of active volcanic activity on the Red Planet, NASA has issued a request for proposal for a Mars Rover Robot (MRR) that is capable of traversing the steep slopes of Olympus Mons, the second tallest mountain and largest volcano in the solar system. This rover will dig near the base of the volcano and photograph it from its peak. By studying the data obtained, NASA hopes to understand the past volcanic activity of the planet and use that data to weigh the possibility of present-day volcanic activity.

The mission has two parts that must be completed. The first part is to collect a rock sample and bring it back to the start tile for analysis. The second part of the mission involves climbing to the peak of Olympus Mons to take a picture of the surrounding environment. To complete the mission, a sensor must be used to increase the accuracy of the rover's movement.


Design a robot using Fusion 360 as the primary design tool. The robot must meet the following specifications:

  • Size & Material Constraints
    • The robot must fit within a 15" x 15" footprint.
    • The design must use the materials provided. A cost estimate of the robot’s components must be created and all revisions to the cost estimate must be recorded and explained.
    • The robot must use no more than two motors.
  • Sensor Requirement
    • The design must incorporate a sensor. This could be a gyro, ultrasonic, touch or IR obstacle sensor.
  • Microcontroller Requirement
    • The robot’s movements must be directed by an Arduino program. All revisions to the Arduino program must be recorded and explained.
  • Autonomous Navigation
    • The robot must be fully autonomous, and so cannot be touched during testing. The Arduino program may not be altered or switched during any part of the mission.

Please refer to the course syllabus for all due dates.

Please note that this project aims to reflect certain real-life scenarios; the robot must be able to handle minor imperfections in the course. Any attempt to physically step on the course or have the robot drive off a cliff is unsafe and will result in a point penalty in the final project grade.

Course Layout

The MRR course (Figure 1) consists of two primary ramps, labeled Ramps 2 and 3, and one additional ramp, Ramp 1. The robot must traverse the uneven terrain to reach the rock sample, return to the Start tile, and traverse Ramps 2 and 3 and come to a complete stop at the peak. For extra credit, the robot can traverse Ramp 1, incorporate an additional sensor, and/or return to the start tile at the end of the run. In completing the extra credit, the robot must descend on the primary ramp for Commissioning. The robot cannot jump off the primary ramp directly to Ramp 1.

Figure 1: View of MRR Course

Microsoft Project

A project schedule must be created in Microsoft Project. Learn to use Microsoft Project by accessing the Microsoft Project Student Guide. This schedule must include all tasks related to the project from the start of the project to Early or Final submission. Click here to access the guide on how to transfer a file. The Microsoft Project schedule should include:

  • Minimum of 20 tasks, excluding Milestones
  • Milestones should be clearly indicated on the project plan (duration of zero days)
  • Each task must include the person responsible for completing the task (resource names)
  • Use the "Copy Picture" function to include the schedule in the presentations. Do not take a screenshot
  • Gantt chart must be displayed alongside the tasks list (fit onto one slide)
  • Gantt chart must show a progress line
  • Clearly state during the presentations whether the project is on-time, behind schedule, or ahead of schedule

For help planning the project, review the manual page Planning Project Scheduling & Costs.


All drawings and sketches should be made using the Assembly tool in Fusion 360. Fusion 360 can be downloaded for free from the Autodesk website using an NYU email or accessed from any computer in the Modelshop during Open Lab hours.

Using Fusion 360, create four drawings of the robot: front, top, most detailed side, and a drawing of the gear train(s). Sensors, motors, and gears must be included in each drawing. Smaller pieces such as nuts, bolts, and axles may be omitted from the drawings.

Each revision of the design must be documented and all changes must be presented during Milestone presentations.

Figure 2: Example Drawing of VEX MRR


Build a scale model (1:1) of the design. The following materials will be provided:

  1. VEX robotics pieces
  2. Basic electronics prototyping kit
  3. Sensors
  4. Motors

The finished MRR must not exceed a footprint of 15" × 15". There is no height limitation. Any additional components that the MRR is equipped with must also fit within the footprint. Additional materials can be supplied by a TA.

Cost Estimate

Once a robot design is complete, a cost estimate must be generated that specifies the cost of all the materials and labor required for the construction of the design. Tabulate this cost information clearly in an Excel spreadsheet, using the materials cost list provided. Help in calculating the cost is available by reviewing how to plan the schedule and calculate costs for a project. The costs for the parts can be found on the Price list for VEX parts for robot projects.

Note: Only the materials contained in the price list for VEX parts for robot projects may be used. To use other parts, get permission from a faculty member, and also to determine the cost of the additional parts used that are not in this price list.

The cost estimate should include the following:

  • Labor cost breakdown with hours and rates ($50.00 per person per hour)
  • Consolidate low-cost pieces: axles, beams, bricks, bushings, connectors, gears, plates
  • Consolidate low-cost electrical components: microcontrollers, breadboard, wires, motor shield
  • Itemize high-cost pieces: sensors, motors, and battery
  • Total cost must be shown in the bottom right corner of the table


When working on engineering team projects, peer evaluations and self-evaluations are critical for assessing how effective individual contributions are to the project. In this course, the recitation professor will use evaluations at each Milestone using a software called the Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME). More information can be found on the Teamwork Expectations page.

Engineering Notebook

All work done on the project and future plans and goals must be documented in an Engineering Notebook. To complete a Benchmark assessment, the Engineering Notebook must be presented to the Open Lab TA completing the assessment. For Milestone 1, Milestone 2, Milestone 3, and Early or Final Submission, the Engineering Notebook must be approved by the recitation professor and be prepared to make it available to an Open Lab TA in a Word Document (.docx) format. A guide to writing the notebook and a basic overview of the expectations and frequency at which the Engineering Notebook must be updated can be found on the Keeping an Engineering Notebook page.

Extra Credit

The tasks listed below show the opportunities to receive extra credit at commissioning:

  • Returning to the Start tile at the end of the entire run. If completing multiple extra credit tasks, returning to the Start tile should be the final task completed.
  • Traversing the secondary ramp (Ramp 1). The robot must be able to descend the primary ramp similar to how it ascended the ramp for commissioning. For safety reasons, the robot cannot jump off the primary ramp directly to Ramp 1.
  • Implementing an additional sensor

Additional extra credit opportunities are as follows:

  • Completing Early Submission

Refer to the EG1004 Grading Policy for exact point values. Creativity and innovation are always rewarded. Original designs will receive extra credit.

Milestones, Benchmarks, and Deliverables

As work is done on the project, three Milestone presentations will report on the project's progress. All of the items assigned in each phase of the project are called Benchmark deliverables. These deliverables often consist of a combination of written submissions, presentations, and demonstrations. Benchmark assessments evaluate the progress of the project.

Preliminary Design Investigation

The Preliminary Design Investigation (PDI) is extremely important, as it lays the groundwork for the project. It outlines the project idea, inspiration, and goals.

The PDI must include:

  • Cover Page
  • Project Overview
  • Goals & Objectives
  • Design & Approach
  • Cost Estimate
  • Project Schedule
  • Relevant Pictures

An example PDI template can be found here. The PDI is due by Benchmark A. Do not forget to include the items listed above. Use this link to access the VEX PDI Rubric.

Milestone 1

See How To Give a Milestone Presentation for the format of a Milestone presentation.

Milestone 1 is a presentation of the PDI. It is important that it outlines the project goals and show that the project is realizable.

The Milestone 1 presentation must include:

  • Company profile
    • Company name
    • Product name
    • Company officer title(s)
    • Mission statement
  • Project objective
    • What is the project about?
    • What tasks is the company aiming to accomplish? (Benchmark A requirements)
    • Overall design approach to complete objective
  • Background information
    • Why is the project happening?
    • What does the audience need to know?
  • Technical design description
    • Preliminary conceptual drawing of robot design
      • Rendered and digital sketches are acceptable, CAD not required
    • What components will be used and why?
  • Cost estimate
    • Major components of design listed
    • Miscellaneous category listed
    • Projected labor listed
  • Microsoft Project schedule
    • Click here to access the guide on how to transfer a file
  • Teamwork agreement summary
  • Summary
    • Overall assessment on current state of project
    • Is the project on schedule? Is it on budget?
    • Next steps and future tasks

Look Ahead: What tasks are planned between now and Milestone 2?

Benchmark Assessment A

Benchmarks evaluate the progress of the project. Benchmark A is due at the end of Model Shop Session II. There are penalties for not completing this on time. Refer to the EG1004 Grading Policy for more information.

To pass Benchmark A, the design must complete all of the following:

  • Robot reaches the rock sample (the robot does not have to pick it up)
  • PDI
  • Initial CAD model
  • Submit an .STL and a .3mf (Bambu Studio Project file) of the company logo through the 3D Printing Submission portal on the EG website
  • Updated Engineering Notebook

Milestone 2

See How To Give a Milestone Presentation for the format of a Milestone presentation.

Milestone 2 will be a project progress update. It must explain all changes and developments made to date, particularly in regards to Benchmark A. Include whether or not Benchmark A requirements are completed, and if not, explain why. Also, highlight any changes you plan on making to your design or project, in general.

The Milestone 2 presentation must include:

  • Company profile
    • Company name
    • Product name
    • Company officer title(s)
    • Mission statement
  • Project objective
    • What is the project about?
    • What tasks is the company aiming to accomplish? (Benchmark A/Benchmark B requirements)
    • Overall design approach to complete objective
  • Background information
    • Why is the project happening?
    • What does the audience need to know?
  • Technical design description
    • Explanation of design changes, if any
    • CAD drawings: top, front, most detailed side, isometric, and gear train view
    • Circuit and schematic diagram(s)
    • Relevant pictures
    • Flowchart of code
  • Cost estimate (previous and current costs)
    • Major components of design listed
    • Miscellaneous category listed
    • Projected labor listed
    • What changes were made, if any?
  • Microsoft Project schedule (previous and current)
    • What changes were made, if any?
    • Click here to access the guide on how to transfer a file
  • Summary
    • Overall assessment on current state of project
    • Is the project on schedule? Is it on budget?
    • Next steps and future tasks

Benchmark Assessment B

Benchmark Assessment B is due at the end of Model Shop Session III. There are penalties for not completing this on time. Refer to the EG1004 Grading Policy for more information.

To pass, complete all of the following tasks:

  • Rock sample is carried by the robot
  • Robot returns to the Start tile
  • Implement and use a sensor to aid the robot's navigation
  • Updated CAD model
  • Have an .STL and a .3mf (Bambu Studio Project file) of the company logo approved by a ProtoLab TA through the 3D Printing Submission portal on the EG website. Students must physically go to the ProtoLab before Modelshop Session 3 to get the logo approved. Logos cannot be approved during Modelshop sessions.
  • Updated Engineering Notebook

Milestone 3

See How To Give a Milestone Presentation for the format of a Milestone presentation.

Milestone 3 will be the last project progress update. It must explain all changes and developments made to date, particularly in regards to Benchmark B. Include whether or not Benchmark B requirements are completed, and if not, explain why. Also, highlight any changes you plan on making to your design or project, in general.

The Milestone 3 presentation must include:

  • Company profile
    • Company name
    • Product name
    • Company officer title(s)
    • Mission statement
  • Project objective
    • What is the project about?
    • What tasks is the company aiming to accomplish? (Benchmark A/Benchmark B requirements)
    • Overall design approach to complete objective
  • Background information
    • Why is the project happening?
    • What does the audience need to know?
  • Technical design description
    • Explanation of design changes, if any
    • CAD drawings: top, front, most detailed side, isometric, and gear train view
    • Circuit and schematic diagram(s)
    • Relevant pictures
    • Flowchart of code
  • Cost estimate (previous and current costs)
    • Major components of design listed
    • Miscellaneous category listed
    • Projected labor listed
    • What changes were made, if any?
  • Microsoft Project schedule (previous and current)
    • What changes were made, if any?
    • Click here to access the guide on how to transfer a file
  • Summary
    • Overall assessment on current state of project
    • Is the project on schedule? Is it on budget?
    • Next steps and future tasks


Projects must be commissioned before Submission. Refer to the syllabus for Submission deadlines. There are penalties for not completing this on time. Refer to the EG1004 Grading Policy for more information.

To pass, the design must complete all of the following:

  • Complete tasks for Benchmarks A and B
  • Robot reaches the highest point of the mountain
    • The robot must come to a complete stop at the peak
  • Robot meets all specifications
  • Finalized CAD model
  • Have an .STL file of the company logo printed through the 3D Printing Submission portal on the EG website
  • All 3D prints must be approved by a ProtoLab TA
  • Updated Engineering Notebook

The robot must complete the required tasks in a single run to obtain full credit for commissioning.

Final Design Report

The Final Design Report (FDR) provides a comprehensive overview of the project process and developments from initial brainstorm to finished prototype. All project expectations and outcomes must be clearly detailed in the document. This report will also provide documentation experience useful for completing a Senior Design final report and other projects.

The FDR must include the following documentation:

  • CAD drawings
  • Wiring diagrams
  • Project schedule
  • Cost estimate

The FDR uses different section headers and content than those in the lab reports, but all FDRs must follow the EG1004 Writing Style Guide. Use this FDR template with the following outline:

  • Introduction
    • Purpose of Project
    • Background
  • Requirements
    • Physical Components
    • Software Components
  • Procedures
    • Physical Construction
    • Software Setup
    • Software Troubleshooting
  • Milestone and Final Product Requirements
    • Benchmark A Requirements
    • Benchmark B Requirements
    • Final Submission Requirements
    • Human Resources and Training (e.g. TA expertise utilized, etc.)
  • Results
    • Benchmark A Results
    • Benchmark B Results
    • Difficulties Experienced
  • Conclusion
    • Results of Project
    • Future Improvements

The FDR is due at the time of submission.

Final Presentation

The Final Presentation will be a technical briefing, similar to the Milestones, but also serves as a sales presentation explaining why the company should be selected instead of the competition.

Your Final Presentation must include:

  • Company profile
    • Company name
    • Employee profile, role(s), and qualifications
    • Mission statement
  • Problem statement
    • Why is the project happening?
    • What does the audience need to know?
  • Project objective
    • What is the purpose of the project?
    • Who does your project help?
    • What problem does the project solve?
  • Project description
    • Explanation of design changes, if any
    • CAD drawings: top, front, most detailed side, isometric, and gear train view
    • Relevant pictures
    • Flowchart of code
  • Market and product viability
    • Does the company have competitors?
    • What makes the project unique?
    • How does the design compare to competitors - cost, quality, features?
    • Is the project versatile?
    • What is the price of the project?
  • Conclusion
    • Reiterating project purpose
    • Highlight project features
    • Future goals of the company
    • Why should the company be awarded this contract?
  • Video pitch
    • Price of project
    • Demonstration of robot run
    • Embedded into Final Presentation


All SLDPs must be submitted online. Please visit this page for the link to the Project Submission form and each project’s individualized login information. To submit, login to the EG1004 website using this special login information. Submitting with an NYU account or any other account will generate an error. Components may be resubmitted at any time before the deadline. Please note that submission times are based on the most recent submission.

Please note the deliverables for this project are as follows. If any of the following items are omitted, there will be a penalty. Be sure to click "Submit" at the bottom of the form and allow sufficient time for uploading. The following list includes deliverable items that are required:

  • Submission deliverables:
    • Final presentation
    • Final Arduino program
    • Final circuit diagrams
    • Initial sketch
    • All the drawings of the design (initial through final)
    • Video
    • Final Microsoft Project schedule
    • Final cost estimate
    • Resume(s) (no fictitious resumes will be accepted)
    • Final notebook/project journal
    • Final Design Report

Please note that submission times are based on the most recent submission.

Late Submission

Late submission is not allowed. If a project does not Commission or receive Partial Commission by the deadline set forth in the syllabus, the project will not be allowed to submit and will receive a 0 for the project grade. To receive Partial Commissioning, two TAs must evaluate the project and determine its degree of completion according to the Commissioning requirements and the project will be given a grade accordingly. Please refer to the EG1004 Grading Policy for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is stepping on the course allowed as it is difficult to retrieve a robot from the middle of the course due to its size?

A: No. If needed, ask a TA for assistance.

Q: Can the course be bumped if the robot gets stuck?

A: No. It is not possible to bump Mars, so bumping the course is not an option.

Q: Can rubber bands be used on the wheels for more traction?

A: Yes. This is highly encouraged, especially when dealing with slopes.

Q: All the VEX parts are really big. Is there a size constraint?

A: There is a size limitation of a 15 in × 15 in footprint. Exceeding this constraint is okay, but it may create difficulties in navigating the robot through the course.

Q: Can more than 2 motors be used?

A: No. Robot designs are limited to two motors.

Q: Can the robot jump from one hill to another?

A: No. This will cause damage to both the robot and course and is also unsafe. If the robot does this, the trial will be invalidated and the project may receive point penalties to the final project grade.

Q: What is the best way to start building the robot?

A: For help with building, refer to the VEX How-To Manual.