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== Responsibility ==
The Elementary General Engineering and Design (EGED) is a program that has been offered to high schoolers to engage with engineering at the university level since Fall 2010. Over many years, the program has transformed quite a lot through feedback from the students and their school.
All course grades, including bonuses and penalties, are shown in the [http://eg.poly.edu/gradebook.php EG Gradebook]. Therefore, you can see the grades we have assigned to you. You are responsible for ensuring that these grades are correct. For example, if you have a zero for a lab report grade but submitted the report, it is your responsibility to notify your faculty member as soon as possible.

Shortly after the end of the semester we calculate the grades using the grades shown in the [http://eg.poly.edu/gradebook.php EG Gradebook]. If you have missing grades and have not identified them to your faculty member, they will be considered zero. We will not be able to investigate any claims of missing or erroneous grades after the semester is over.
Over longest running partner school, the Urban Assembly Institute of Math and Science for Young Women (UAI), has been with the program since Fall 2011, pausing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For lab reports, some of the reports are individual reports, and others are team reports. For individual reports, you will prepare the entire report yourself, using the data your team collected. As individual efforts, you will receive individual grades. For team reports, the entire team shares in the preparation of the report, and all the members of the team receive the same grade.
Just like our college classes, students in the EGED program also use our Course Website at [https://eg.poly.edu https://eg.poly.edu].
All presentations are team efforts, and all members of the team will receive the same grade. Similarly, since the projects are team efforts, all members of the project team will receive the same grade.

== Course Grade Breakdown ==
== Course Grade Breakdown ==
Note that there is neither a midterm nor a final exam for this course.
{|class="wikitable" style="float: right; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 13px;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 1. EGED Course Grade Breakdown.
Table 1 shows the grade breakdown for the standard EG1004 course. Tables 2-4 show the grade breakdowns for no-credit variations of the EG1004 course taken by high schoolers as part of the Elementary General Engineering and Design program.
<div style="display: inline-block; width: 60%;">
{|class="wikitable" style="margin: 151px auto; font-size: large;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 1. EG1004 Course Grade Breakdown.
|Teaching Assistant Lab Reports (Technical Content)||style="text-align: right;"|15%
|Professional Development||style="text-align: right;"|10%
|Writing Consultant Lab Reports (Written Expression)||style="text-align: right;"|15%
|Benchmark Completion||style="text-align: right;"|10%
|Lab Quizzes||style="text-align: right;"|5%
|Milestone Presentation||style="text-align: right;"|20%
|Recitation Presentations||style="text-align: right;"|15%
|Project Completion||style="text-align: right;"|15%
|Semester-Long Design Project||style="text-align: right;"|30%
|Final Design Report||style="text-align: right;"|20%
|Professional Development|| style="text-align: right;"|10%
|Final Presentation||style="text-align: right;"|25%
|Lecture Attendance||style="text-align: right;"|10%
Line 37: Line 26:
|''Total''||style="text-align: right;"|100%
|''Total''||style="text-align: right;"|100%
Note that there is neither a midterm nor a final exam for this course.
<div style="display: inline-block; width: 39%;">
{|class="wikitable" style="margin: 13px auto;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 2. EGED I Course Grade Breakdown.
|Teaching Assistant Lab Reports (Technical Content)||style="text-align: right;"|33.33%
|Writing Consultant Lab Reports (Written Expression)||style="text-align: right;"|33.33%
|Lab Quizzes||style="text-align: right;"|8.33%
|Recitation Presentations||style="text-align: right;"|25.00%
|''Total''||style="text-align: right;"|100.00%
{|class="wikitable" style="margin: 13px auto;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 3. EGED II Course Grade Breakdown.
!style="width: 309px;"|Item!!Breakdown
|Recitation Presentations||style="text-align: right;"|33.33%
|Semester-Long Design Project||style="text-align: right;"|66.67%
|''Total''||style="text-align: right;"|100.00%
{|class="wikitable" style="margin: 13px auto;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 4. EGED III Course Grade Breakdown.
|Teaching Assistant Lab Reports (Technical Content)||style="text-align: right;"|22.22%
|Writing Consultant Lab Reports (Written Expression)||style="text-align: right;"|22.22%
|Lab Quizzes||style="text-align: right;"|5.56%
|Recitation Presentations||style="text-align: right;"|16.67%
|Semester-Long Design Project||style="text-align: right;"|33.33%
|''Total''||style="text-align: right;"|100.00%
=== Lab Reports ===
All lab reports are due by 11:59:59PM the night before the next lab. This means that in most cases the lab report will be due about a week after you've performed the lab. However, if your lab does not meet the next week (e.g., because of a holiday), then your lab report would (most likely) be due the week after when the lab does meet again. This rule generally applies to unforeseen school cancellations such as snow days, emergencies, and evacuations as well; when events of this nature do occur, your faculty member and teaching assistants (TAs) will be in contact with you to provide event-specific information and instructions via email and the [http://eg.poly.edu/index.php announcements page] on the [http://eg.poly.edu EG Website].
Once a lab report has been graded, students are not allowed to resubmit work for a better grade, except for the [[#Lab_6_Bonus:_Lab_2_Rewrite|Lab 2 Rewrite]].
==== Teaching Assistant Lab Report Grade Breakdown ====
{|class="wikitable" style="float: right; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 13px;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 5. TA Lab Report Grade Breakdown.
|Experimental Procedure||15%
All lab reports are graded for technical content by the teaching assistants of the grading committee, under faculty supervision, on a basis of 100 points. At the end of the semester, all the TA lab report grades are averaged together, excluding extra credit lab reports. This is then weighted according to the [[#Course Grade Breakdown|Course Grade Breakdown]] table shown in Tables 1&ndash;4. The weights used for each lab report grade are broken down in Table 5.<br clear="both" />
==== Writing Consultant Lab Report Grade Breakdown ====
All lab reports are graded for grammar and style by your writing consultant (WC) on a basis of 100 points. At the end of the semester, all the WC lab report grades are averaged together, excluding extra credit lab reports. This is then weighted according to the [[#Course Grade Breakdown|Course Grade Breakdown]] table shown in Tables 1&ndash;4.
==== Competition Lab Bonus ====
{|class="wikitable" style="float: right; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 13px; text-align: center;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 6. Competition Bonus.
!Minimum Number of Teams!!Place!!Bonus
Some of the labs are competitions. To reward those teams who perform well, the point bonuses in Table 6 will be added to the lab report grades for both the TA and WC for the appropriate teams.
If there is no report required for a competition lab, the bonuses will be divided by ten and applied to the presentation for that lab (i.e., the first place team will receive a presentation bonus of one point, etc.).<br clear="both" />
==== Lab 6 Bonus: Lab 2 Rewrite ====
Students have the opportunity to rewrite their Lab 2 report for a better grade. The grade will be recorded as the Lab 6 report grade. The higher of the two grades will be included in the final grade calculation; the lower one will be excluded. This is determined independently for each of the TA Report and WC Report grade categories.
==== Lab 7 Bonus ====
Students have the opportunity to replace the lower of their Lab 3 or Lab 5 report grades if they score higher on their Lab 7 report. The two higher grades will be included in the final grade calculation; the lowest one will be excluded. This is determined independently for each of the TA Report and WC Report grade categories.
==== Lab Report Lateness Penalty ====
For lab reports that are late up to one week, a mandatory 20 point penalty will be applied. For lab reports more than one week but less than two weeks late, a mandatory 40 point penalty will be applied. For lab reports more than two weeks late, no credit will be given. Exceptions will be reviewed on a case by case basis, and can only be granted by your faculty member.
Students are only allowed to submit late lab reports once.
There is a final cutoff date for the submission of any and all work; it is 11:59:59PM the night before your final presentation. Any work received after the cutoff date will not be graded and will receive no credit, regardless of how late it actually is.
=== Lab Quizzes ===
At the start of each lab session there will be a brief quiz about the lab you will perform that day and lectures from a previous week. This ensures that you have read the lab ahead of time, and are prepared to perform the lab. This also ensures that you listened to previous lecture presentations. If you are not present for the quiz, you will receive a grade of zero. This ensures that you will be on time for the lab. Therefore, '''<span style="color: red;">BE ON TIME FOR THE LAB!</span>''' Quizzes are graded on a basis on 10 points. At the end of the semester, all the quiz grades are averaged together. This is then weighted according to the [[#Course Grade Breakdown|Course Grade Breakdown]] table shown in Tables 1&ndash;4.
=== Recitation Presentations ===
Your recitation TA will grade your presentation under faculty supervision on a basis of 10 points. If you are not present for the presentation, the rest of your team will give the presentation without you, putting an unfair burden on them. In addition, if you have not been excused by your faculty member ahead of time, you will receive a zero for the presentation. This is true even if you arrive for the recitation after the presentation has started, so '''<span style="color: red;">BE ON TIME FOR THE RECITATION!</span>'''. At the end of the semester, all the presentation grades are averaged together. This is then weighted according to the [[#Course Grade Breakdown|Course Grade Breakdown]] table shown in Tables 1&ndash;4.
==== Lab Presentations ====
{|class="wikitable" style="float: right; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 13px;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 7. Lab Presentation Grade Breakdown.
|Technical Content||60%
|Demonstration of Understanding||15%
|Proper Spelling and Word Choice||5%
|Proper Slide Format||5%
|Presentation Skills||15%
After you've performed a lab, you will usually be doing a presentation of it at a later recitation. Your presentation will be done (usually with a lab partner) as a group. The weights used for each lab presentation grade are broken down in Table 7.<br clear="both" />
==== Milestone Presentations ====
{|class="wikitable" style="float: right; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 13px;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 8. Milestone Presentation Grade Breakdown.
|Project Objective and Background||20%
|Technical Description||30%
|Milestone Deliverables||40%
|Project Assessment||10%
As the term progresses, you are required to present progress information at certain points during the project timeline called milestones. Refer to the syllabus for specific dates. There are deliverables due at each milestone. Refer to your project write-up for more information. The milestone presentations are graded on a basis of 10 points. The weights used for each milestone presentation grade are broken down in Table 8.<br clear="both" />
==== Recitation Presentation Lateness ====
Your recitation presentation is due prior to the start of the recitation. Your recitation TA will communicate to you what specific time that is. The presentation must be submitted to [http://eg.poly.edu/submit.php eg.poly.edu], and a hardcopy of the presentation must be made by the time the recitation starts.
=== Semester-Long Design Project Grade Breakdown ===
{|class="wikitable" style="float: right; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 13px;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 9. SLDP Grade Breakdown.
|Final Presentation & Deliverables||50%
|Project Completion & Delivery||50%
The semester-long design project (SLDP) grade is based on a weighted average of the final presentation, the completeness of the project, and the ability to deliver on deadlines. The final presentation grade is an overall assessment of the completeness of your project, as well your performance during the Final Presentation. The SLDP grade is weighted according to the [[#Course Grade Breakdown|Course Grade Breakdown]] table shown in Tables 1&ndash;4.
The SLDP design must pass '''Benchmark Assessment A''' by the end of Model Shop Session 1 (Lab 6).
* '''Extra credit''' is awarded to any team that completes their Benchmark Assessment A early. The form must be signed and timestamped at least 168 hours (one week) prior to the deadline. 2.5 points (out of 50) of extra credit will be awarded to your Project Completion & Delivery grade.
* '''Failure''' to pass the assessment will result in a 10-point (out of 50) '''penalty''' to your Project Completion & Delivery grade.
* '''Lateness''' of up to '''168 hours''' (one week) will be tolerated in order to receive a '''reduced penalty''' of 3 points.
* '''Lateness''' of up to '''336 hours''' (two weeks) will be tolerated in order to receive a '''reduced penalty''' of 7 points. Any attempts at the assessment more than 336 hours past the due date will be considered to have failed the assessment, regardless of the result.
The SLDP design must pass '''Benchmark Assessment B''' by the end of Model Shop Session 2 (Lab 9).
* '''Extra credit''' is awarded to any team that completes their Benchmark Assessment B early. The form must be signed and timestamped at least 168 hours (one week) prior to the deadline. 2.5 points (out of 50) of extra credit will be awarded to your Project Completion & Delivery grade.
* '''Failure''' to pass the assessment will result in a 10-point (out of 50) '''penalty''' to your Project Completion & Delivery grade.
* '''Lateness''' of up to '''168 hours''' (one week) will be tolerated in order to receive a '''reduced penalty''' of 3 points.
* '''Lateness''' of up to '''336 hours''' (two weeks) will be tolerated in order to receive a '''reduced penalty''' of 7 points. Any attempts at the assessment more than 336 hours past the due date will be considered to have failed the assessment, regardless of the result.
In order to complete the project, a '''Final Submission''' package must be delivered. Refer to the syllabus for specific due dates.
* '''Extra credit''' is awarded to any team that '''submits''' all project deliverables early. To be considered early, the design must be commissioned at least one week early '''and''' all project deliverables must arrive at EG at least one week prior to the SLDP submission due date. Refer to the syllabus for specific dates and times.
* '''Failure''' to submit project deliverables will result in a grade of zero for your SLDP grade.
* '''Lateness''' will not be tolerated.

Table 1 shows the grade breakdown for the EGED course offered beginning Spring 2023.
<br clear="both" />
<br clear="both" />

=== Semester-Long Project Bonuses and Penalties ===
== Course Schedule ==
<div style="float: right; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 13px;">
The [https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Aptro7srQ6FxMC7AARwjCdD-0nWKkexcxb4DvofR1o/edit?tab=t.0#bookmark=id.hwuvc9kw2p0a course schedule] details the class meeting dates and times, along with the planned topics of each session.
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 10. SLDP Bonuses List.
|Benchmark A (Early)||+2.5
|Benchmark B (Early)||+2.5
|Early Submission of Project||+10
|SLDP EC Summary||Varies by project
|3D Printing||Varies
|Faculty Award||Varies up to +10
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
|Completion of Project with Hybrid Design||+15
|Completion of Project with Skimmer Design||+10
|Completion of Project with Rover Design||+5
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|Security Infiltration Drone (SID)
|Completion of Project||+10
|Retrieve Data Canister(s)||+5 each, up to +10
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|Bomb Disarming Robot (BDR)
|Completion of Project Using Black Tunnel Route||+3
|Completion of Project Using Ramp Route||+6
|Disruption of Triangulation System||+3
|Retrieval of at Least One Triangulation Device||+6
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|Search & Recovery Robot (SRR)
|Completion of Project||+5
|Traversal of Moon Dust Area||+2
|Activation and Traversal of Solar Panel||+2
|Retrieval of Unity Module||+4
|Retrieval of Quest Module||+4
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|Retrieval and Delivery System (RDS)
|Completion of Project||+10
|Extra Fuel Cells||+2 each, up to +10
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|Subterranean Infiltrator & Fortune Retriever (SIFR)
|Completion of Project||+15
|H4/Ramp 3||+4
|Return to Middle Layer||+8
|Return to Start||+15
{|class="wikitable" style="float: right;"
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 11. SLDP Bonuses by Project
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|NYU-Housing & Innovation in Revit (HIR)
|LEED Platinum||+3
|3D Printed Exterior of Building||+3
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|Lunar Agricultural Zone (LAZ)
|Retrieve and deliver Plant 3 to its Drop Site||+2
|Retrieve and deliver Plant 1 from Drop Site to original location||+2
|Retrieve and deliver Plant 2 from Drop Site to original location||+2
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|Mars Rover Robot (MRR)
|Traverse Ramp 1 and return to Start||+2
|Descend Ramps 2 and 3 from the Peak||+4
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|Rapid Assembly and Design (RAD)
|Additional Deliverables||up to +6
Tables 10&ndash;12 show the bonuses and penalties that will be added to or subtracted from the SLDP.
<!--For example, if you do an early submission of a BDR that uses the ramp route and the project is scored as an 80, your SLDP grade will be 80 (the base) + 10 (early submission) + 6 (ramp route), for a total grade of 96.-->
<span style="color: red;">NOTE: Model Shop Sessions are mandatory. Failure to attend a Model Shop Session will result in a deduction of two points from your SLDP grade.</span>
==== 3D Printing ====
In order to encourage students to gain exposure to designing in CAD and 3D printing, several extra credit opportunities have been made available. Extra credit is awarded towards the SLDP grade for designing and printing 3D parts for these projects. Students who design a two-color logo for their company will be awarded 2 extra credit points.
For robot projects, a robot part or a course modification that will help their robot complete the course can also be designed. Robot parts and course modifications can only be one color. 3 extra credit points will be awarded.
For HIR projects, students can 3D print up to two different stack-able floors as a part of this extra credit. Printing the exterior of the building does not count towards this extra credit, but instead, is a project-specific extra credit.
Only one submission is allowed per category. For more information, please refer to the [[3D Printing Extra Credit]].
==== Commissioning ====
When you commission, you qualify for your respective projects’ extra credit.  Consult the table above to determine what extra credit applies to your project.
'''Note''': There is no extra credit for '''commissioning''' early.
==== Partial Commissioning ====
If you cannot commission by your Regular Submission deadline, you do not qualify for any SLDP extra credit and a partial grade will be given to your ''Commission'' grade based on your progress. Partial commissioning should only be used as a last resort. Heavy penalties will be assessed on your SLDP grade. This option is only available the last week of classes. '''Two''' TAs must be present in order to perform partial commissioning.
==== Early Submission ====
You must commission and submit '''all''' deliverables on the [https://eg.poly.edu/finalSLDP.php SLDP Submission page]. You must use the account credentials provided on this page to submit.
You will receive extra credit for submitting early. Refer to your [https://eg.poly.edu/syllabi.php syllabus] for due dates.
If you turn in your project early to get early submission credit, you must present the presentation you submitted, with no additional material. If you resubmit your presentation after the Early Submission deadline, you will not receive the Early Submission bonus.
==== Regular Submission ====
You must have commissioned on time OR partially commissioned and submit all deliverables listed on the [https://eg.poly.edu/finalSLDP.php SLDP Submission page]. You must use the account credentials provided on this page to submit.
Refer to your [https://eg.poly.edu/syllabi.php syllabus] for due dates.
==== Incomplete Submission ====
If you do not meet all the requirements listed on the [https://eg.poly.edu/finalSLDP.php SLDP Submission page], your SLDP grade will be penalized two points for every item missing.
==== Teamwork-related Penalties ====
The following penalties may be applied to your SLDP grade, should issues regarding teamwork arise:
|+style="white-space: nowrap;"|Table 12. Teamwork Penalties.
!Offense Level!!Group Communication!!Meeting Attendance!!Project Contribution!!Designated Task Completion!!Group Cooperation!!SLDP Grade Penalty
|1st||Some||Sometimes misses||Sometimes||Usually||Usually||-6.67
|2nd||Some||Often misses||Sometimes||Sometimes||Sometimes||-13.33
|3rd||Limited||Often misses||Often doesn't||Often doesn't||Often doesn't||-20
|4th||Minimal||Often misses||Rarely||Rarely||Rarely||-33.33
|5th||Almost none||Misses most||Rarely||Doesn't||Doesn't||-50
|6th||None||Misses all||Doesn't||Doesn't||Refused||-100
The level of the offense is ultimately determined by the Recitation Professor. The Recitation Professor possess the power to determine any penalty that they deem applicable to the situation. Penalties can increase in offense level throughout the semester, but cannot decrease. This rubric is a guide for determining the severity of penalties, any point number penalty may be assigned.
<br clear="both" />
=== Lecture Attendance ===
Attendance will be taken at the lectures each week. As you enter the Auditorium, your student ID card will be scanned to confirm your attendance. Be sure to have it with you, and have it ready as you approach the door.
At the end of the semester, the percentage of times you were recorded as present will be used in calculating your final grade, as shown in the [[#Course Grade Breakdown|Course Grade Breakdown]].
== Reporting Incorrect Grades ==
On the [http://eg.poly.edu EG Website], you'll be able to select the [http://eg.poly.edu/gradebook.php course gradebook], where you can see all of your grades. We advise you to check it frequently. If there are missing grades for work that you submitted, bring it to your faculty member's and recitation TA's attentions. As you can tell from the preceding material, you will be receiving many grades from this course, and with hundreds of students taking the course it is possible that some work will be lost. If this happens, we will resolve it quickly. However, it is your responsibility to notify us when this occurs. Any missing work will be treated as a zero grade, so it is in your interest to make sure that this doesn't happen.
== Grade Appeals ==
When you receive your graded work, you may feel that you have been graded unfairly. For example, points may have been deducted because of a missing component that was actually there. If, after consideration, you believe there was an error made in grading any of your work, you should bring it to the attention of the supervising faculty member for your section. The faculty member will want your original graded work plus any grade sheets that were attached to it by the staff. They will then review it using the EG1004 grading guidelines used for all sections and make any required adjustments. '''<span style="color: red;">The last opportunity to request a grade appeal or to point out missing grades on the [http://eg.poly.edu/gradebook.php course gradebook] is during your last recitation (the recitation in which you give your final presentation).</span>'''

== Grading Cutoffs ==
== Labs ==
Any work submitted after 11:59:59PM of the night preceding the last recitation session will not be graded.
Anyone in one of our Lab rooms are to follow established [[Media:Safety_Guidelines_Updated.pptx|Safety Guidelines]].

No makeup labs may be performed more than seven days after Lab 11.
General Engineering offers a number of workshops that target different skills engineers use to complete projects. For more information on these workshops, see [[Technical Workshops]]. The EGED program offers a subset of these workshops as Labs:
* [[Media:EGED_Circuitry_Lab.pptx|Circuitry]]
** [[Media:EGED_Circuitry_Handout.pdf|Circuitry Handout]]
** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwTFfa_f4-0 Love-O-Meter Video]
** [https://www.hackster.io/luis-estades/project-3-love-o-meter-ee6b7e Love-O-Meter Code]
** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCO_PZyaejg Motorized Pinwheel Video]
** [https://www.hackster.io/luis-estades/project-9-motorized-pinwheel-30448e Motorized Pinwheel Code]
* [[Media:EGED_Arduino_Lab.pptx|Arduino]]
* [[Media:EGED_CAD_Lab.pptx|Computer-aided Design (CAD)]]
* [[Media:EGED_Manufacturing_Lab.pptx|Manufacturing]]

Refer to the syllabus for project submission deadlines. No late submissions will be accepted.
== Projects ==
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14fVkuvHsKOC_JLyGDJ7AtIAdc8BgcTrO/edit Welcome to Elementary General Engineering & Design]
** Self-watering Flowerpot
** Wearable Technology
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cof5ZCWt_c6CYlQV6nC4v1weuLlSZg7_Lmt8rS2g_NY/edit List of available materials]
* [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cmHDmpsgvrYACQ8Z4s5ACoRuysxGf5Kh Additional project resource slides]

{{Course Information}}
== Recitations ==
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14fVkuvHsKOC_JLyGDJ7AtIAdc8BgcTrO/edit Orientation: Welcome to Elementary General Engineering & Design]
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BSguzlIcIlBjTXIZ6WCEv9ba4fKcNO4Zvpz0tLYLX4A/edit Recitation 1: Emerging Global Topics]
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nOuwnGkHtDle4YKjnZnWcBolRQMc934kuaklw9DbCww/edit Recitation 2: Engineering Design Process and Teamwork]
<!--** [[Media:REC1_Proper_Sourcing_and_Academic_Integrity.pptx|Proper Sourcing and Academic Integrity]]
** [[Engineering Notebook]]
* [[Media:REC2_Technical_Writing.pptx|Recitation 2: Technical Writing]]
** [[Media:EGED_PDI_Template.docx|Preliminary Design Investigation Template]]
* [[Media:REC4_The_Engineering_Design_Process.pptx|Recitation 3: Engineering Design Process]]
* [[Media:REC3_Professional_Presentations.pptx|Recitation 4: Professional Presentations]]
** [[Media:HOW_TO_GIVE_A_RECITATION_PRESENTATION.pptx|How to Give a Recitation Presentation]]
** [[Media:HOW_TO_GIVE_A_MILESTONE_PRESENTATION_EGED.pptx|How to Give a Milestone Presentation]]
* [[Media:REC5_Design_Thinking.pptx|Recitation 5: Design Thinking & Learning]]
** [[Media:EGED_Final_Design_Report.docx|Final Design Report Template]]
* [[Media:REC6_Ethics_and_Stakeholder_Impact.pptx|Recitation 6: Ethics & Stakeholder Impact]]
* [[Media:REC7_Reflection_&_Design_Canvas.pptx|Recitation 7: Reflection & Design Canvas]]-->
<!--* [[Media:REC11_Engineering_&_Social_Justice.pptx|Recitation 8: Engineering & Social Justice]]-->
<!--* [[Media:HOW_TO_GIVE_THE_FINAL_PROJECT_PRESENTATION_EGED.pptx|How to Give a Final Presentation]]-->
<!--* [[Media:REC12_Emerging_Global_Topics.pptx|Recitation 9: Emerging Engineering Topics]]
** [[Media:REC13_Entrepreneurial_Mindset.pptx|Entrepreneurial Mindset]]-->

Revision as of 19:57, 10 February 2025

The Elementary General Engineering and Design (EGED) is a program that has been offered to high schoolers to engage with engineering at the university level since Fall 2010. Over many years, the program has transformed quite a lot through feedback from the students and their school.

Over longest running partner school, the Urban Assembly Institute of Math and Science for Young Women (UAI), has been with the program since Fall 2011, pausing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Just like our college classes, students in the EGED program also use our Course Website at https://eg.poly.edu.

Course Grade Breakdown

Table 1. EGED Course Grade Breakdown.
Item Breakdown
Professional Development 10%
Benchmark Completion 10%
Milestone Presentation 20%
Project Completion 15%
Final Design Report 20%
Final Presentation 25%
Total 100%

Note that there is neither a midterm nor a final exam for this course.

Table 1 shows the grade breakdown for the EGED course offered beginning Spring 2023.

Course Schedule

The course schedule details the class meeting dates and times, along with the planned topics of each session.


Anyone in one of our Lab rooms are to follow established Safety Guidelines.

General Engineering offers a number of workshops that target different skills engineers use to complete projects. For more information on these workshops, see Technical Workshops. The EGED program offers a subset of these workshops as Labs:

