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<h1 align=center>Missing and Being Late for Class, and How to Make Up Work</h1>
Questions or concerns regarding absence and lateness should be directed to the section recitation instructors. In general, please reach out to the engineering professor, writing professor, and recitation TA for your section as far ahead as possible to inform them of lateness or an absence. EG-UY1004 refers to the Office of Student Advocacy to verify excused absences. Please refer to the Office of Student Advocacy [https://engineering.nyu.edu/life-tandon/student-life/student-advocacy#chapter-id-30199 website] for information on excused absences. For long-term accommodations, please contact the [https://www.nyu.edu/about/leadership-university-administration/office-of-the-president/office-of-the-provost/office-of-studentaffairs/student-health-center/moses-center-for-student-accessibility.html NYU Moses Center for Accessibility.]

<p>One of the most important characteristics of a technical professional is their
=== Lab Policies ===
ability to meet their commitments. To prepare you for your technical career, we
Students must be on time for each lab session. Students will not be admitted more than 15 minutes after the lab has begun. To address a lateness of 15 minutes or more, or absence from a lab session entirely, students can complete a makeup lab.
make attendance mandatory at all EG1004 classes. However, we recognize that there
may be exceptional circumstances which cause you to be late or miss class. This
page explains how to handle those events.</p>

<p>Technical professionals always work on teams, so it is critical that you learn
To make up a missed lab, fill out a makeup lab request on the course website within two weeks of the missed session. To do this, log in to your [https://eg.poly.edu/ eg.poly.edu] account. On the left, click [https://eg.poly.edu/makeup.php Makeup Lab], and fill out the necessary information. After the form has been submitted, the engineering and recitation TA will review the request.
how to act as a member of a team. Therefore, EG1004 gives you an opportunity to
build this skill by having you work with one or more partners on the labs and

<p>When somebody misses a lab or recitation, it puts an unfair burden on their
If the form is approved, visit [https://eg.poly.edu/syllabus.php Open Lab] while the form is valid. A TA will confirm the approval and provide assistance. Note that students who complete makeup labs are ineligible for competition extra credit points, and that students whose makeup team lab reports must complete the report and presentation individually.
partners, where whoever remains now has to support the entire effort themselves.
Therefore, we strongly discourage having students miss sessions unless there is
a compelling reason to do so.</p>

<h2>Missing a Lab</h2>
The makeup presentation and report must be submitted to the EG website within one week of completing the lab. As the presentation will be graded outside of recitation, your presentation must include speaker notes of what would be covered while presenting.

<p>If you miss a lab, you will have to make up the lab on your own during the
=== Recitation Policies  ===
Open Lab in Room JAB573 (Model Shop). The Open Lab hours can be found on the EG
Students are expected to attend recitation regularly and arrive on time. The following penalties will apply depending on the degree of lateness:
Web site, and are also usually posted at the Model Shop entrance as well.</p>

<p>In order to make up the lab in the Open Lab, you will need to get permission
*Students will receive a zero if they miss their presentation unless they inform their section engineering professor ahead of time.
to do so from the faculty member in charge of your section. To do this, download
*Students will receive a two-point penalty on their presentation grade if they are up to ten minutes late to recitation unless they inform their section engineering professor ahead of time.
and print an EG1004 Open Lab Authorization form, or get one from a TA. You can
*Students will receive a five-point penalty on their presentation grade if they are more than ten minutes late to recitation unless they inform  their section engineering professor ahead of time.
click on the link below to get a copy of the form:</p>
*Students will receive a five-point penalty on their presentation grade if they are missing a presentation print-out.   

An excused absence will result in the student receiving the grade obtained by their teammates that week.
<li>[[Media:Labauth.doc| EG1004 Open Lab Authorization Form]]</li>

<p>Fill in your name, student number, and lab, and get your faculty member to
=== Lecture Policies ===
fill out the rest of the form. When you go to the Open Lab, the TA in charge
Students are expected to attend lectures regularly and on time. Without a valid excuse, there is a grace period of five minutes following the start of lecture; after this time, students will be admitted, but no credit will be awarded.
will collect this form from you and let you make up the lab.</p>
<p><b><font color=#ff0000>If you do not have a form, the Open Lab TA will not
permit you to make up the lab!</font></b></p>
<p>Note that you’ll probably be working alone in the Open Lab, making the lab
more difficult. Also, many of the labs are competitions, and have bonus points
awarded based on how your team places. If you’re making up a lab in the Open
Lab, you are not eligible for these bonus points.</p>
<p>Your lab presentation will be done at the same recitation as the regular lab
presentations. Since you’ll be making up the lab usually several days after the
scheduled lab session, this leaves you less time to prepare the presentation,
making another good reason why you should not miss labs.</p>
<p>Finally, when you miss a lab, you will probably also miss a quiz related to
the lab as well. There is no way to make up this quiz, so missing the lab is
equivalent to getting a zero on a quiz. If you only miss one lab, there will
probably be negligible impact on your overall grade, but a large number of
absences will probably hurt you.</p>
<p>Note that your faculty member is not required to give you an authorization for the
Open Lab. The faculty member will probably also want to discuss with you
what’s wrong since you are missing a significant portion of the course
<h2>Being Late for a lab</h2>
<p>The first time you’re late for a lab, you will join the lab in progress. If you arrive
while the quiz is underway, you can take the quiz, but will get no additional time to
complete it. If you arrive after the quiz is over, you will get a zero for the quiz, and
can do the lab in whatever time is left, but your Lab TA will notify your faculty member
of your lateness. If you do not complete the lab in the alloted time, you will have to have
your faculty member approve a form allowing you to finish the lab during Open Lab. See the
preceding section on how to get an Open Lab form approved.</p>
<p>If you're late more than once, for all occurances after the first time you will not be
admitted to the lab, will receive a zero for the quiz, and you will have to get the approval
of your faculty member to make up the lab during Open Lab. See the preceding section on how
to do this.</p>
<h2>Missing a Recitation</h2>
<p>If you miss a recitation, your partners will have to give the presentation
without you. This puts a heavy burden on them, so you should only miss a
recitation when there is a compelling reason to do so. In addition, you should
notify your teammates of your absence ahead of time if at all possible. You
should also notify your faculty member and Recitation TA of your absence ahead
of time if at all possible.</p>
<p>If you are excused from the recitation by your faculty member, you will receive
the same presentation grade as your teammates, although typically the grade is
not as good as it could have been because of the extra burden they had to
handle. If you are not excused, you will receive a zero for any coursework
performed that day, including such things as lab presentations and milestone
<h2>Being late for a recitation</h2>
<p>If you’re late for a recitation, it is at the faculty member’s discretion
whether or not to allow you be admitted to the recitation. If you missed your
team’s presentation, it will be equivalent to not having been at the recitation,
as described above. If you are more than 10 minutes late for the recitation, the
faculty member will not allow you to be admitted except in truly exceptional
circumstances, and it will be equivalent to having missed the recitation, as
described above.</p>
<h2>Missing or being late for a Lecture</h2>
<p>If you miss a lecture, there is no way to make it up. The TAs will take attendance
at each lecture by scanning your student ID at the door. After the lecture has started,
it is at the TAs discretion whether or not you should be admitted. If you are more than
10 minutes late for the lecture, you will not be admitted under any circumstances. Also,
the lab quiz frequently contains questions on the preceding lecture, so if you miss the
lecture you will probably not be able to answer these questions.</p>
<h2>Joining the class part way through the term</h2>
<p>Occasionally, students cannot be present starting at the first day of class. They may
not be able to register, or they may be stranded overseas when the course starts. We will
make every effort to accommodate these students and help them to complete the course
<p>If you miss any lectures, you should see your TAs or faculty member and get a copy of the
slides that were presented at the lectures. These slides contain valuable material, and you
will find it rewarding to review them. The name of the presenter is also on the first slide,
and they would welcome any questions you might have.</p>
<p>For the labs, you must complete all the labs in order to complete the course. There are no
excused labs. The way to complete these labs is to go to the Open Lab and complete your work
there if you need to. For the labs that use software that's already on your laptop, you can
do the lab on your own, or in the Computer Lab. However, most of the labs require access to
EG1004 lab equipment, you will probably have to use the Open Lab time to complete your work.
You should agree with your faculty member on the due date for the lab report when you get your
Open Lab form. Any lateness will be measured from that date. Similarly, you will have to do
your lab presentations at a date that you and your faculty member agree on. Any lateness from
that date will count as a zero for that presentation.</p>
<p>Since the workload for most students only increases as the term progresses, you and your
faculty member should come up with a plan to make up work as quickly as possible so that you're
back on schedule with a normal workload as early in the term as possible.</p>
<p>If you join the course after teams have been formed for the Semester-Long Design Project, your
faculty member will either have you join a team that already exists as an additional member, or
split up an existing team into two teams, with you joining one of these teams. This decision is
the faculty member's responsibility.</p>
<p>Just to repeat, there is no exused work for EG1004. You must complete all of the assignments in
order to receive a passing grade.</p>
<p>[[Main_Page | Return to Table of Contents]]</p>
<p>[[Teamwork | Continue to next topic: Teamwork]]</p>
<p>[[Structure | Continue to previous topic: Structure]]</p>

Latest revision as of 03:01, 2 September 2024

Questions or concerns regarding absence and lateness should be directed to the section recitation instructors. In general, please reach out to the engineering professor, writing professor, and recitation TA for your section as far ahead as possible to inform them of lateness or an absence. EG-UY1004 refers to the Office of Student Advocacy to verify excused absences. Please refer to the Office of Student Advocacy website for information on excused absences. For long-term accommodations, please contact the NYU Moses Center for Accessibility.

Lab Policies

Students must be on time for each lab session. Students will not be admitted more than 15 minutes after the lab has begun. To address a lateness of 15 minutes or more, or absence from a lab session entirely, students can complete a makeup lab.

To make up a missed lab, fill out a makeup lab request on the course website within two weeks of the missed session. To do this, log in to your eg.poly.edu account. On the left, click Makeup Lab, and fill out the necessary information. After the form has been submitted, the engineering and recitation TA will review the request.

If the form is approved, visit Open Lab while the form is valid. A TA will confirm the approval and provide assistance. Note that students who complete makeup labs are ineligible for competition extra credit points, and that students whose makeup team lab reports must complete the report and presentation individually.

The makeup presentation and report must be submitted to the EG website within one week of completing the lab. As the presentation will be graded outside of recitation, your presentation must include speaker notes of what would be covered while presenting.

Recitation Policies

Students are expected to attend recitation regularly and arrive on time. The following penalties will apply depending on the degree of lateness:

  • Students will receive a zero if they miss their presentation unless they inform their section engineering professor ahead of time.
  • Students will receive a two-point penalty on their presentation grade if they are up to ten minutes late to recitation unless they inform their section engineering professor ahead of time.
  • Students will receive a five-point penalty on their presentation grade if they are more than ten minutes late to recitation unless they inform their section engineering professor ahead of time.
  • Students will receive a five-point penalty on their presentation grade if they are missing a presentation print-out.

An excused absence will result in the student receiving the grade obtained by their teammates that week.

Lecture Policies

Students are expected to attend lectures regularly and on time. Without a valid excuse, there is a grace period of five minutes following the start of lecture; after this time, students will be admitted, but no credit will be awarded.